César Bandera, recently participated as a supporting actor in the feature film "God never dies" of Santiago Mohar and several short films where he has had the main character. His appearance and easy to speak with different latin accents allow him to be eligible to diverse characters as Danceman in "Electric Ant", by Phillip K. Dick, filmed by Juan Miguel Diez. It was José, a Mexican immigrant in "Tres Cargas Dos Entrañas".
In 2012 has been preparing ON CALL (Home Guard), a romantic comedy where he will be Jonh a middle-aged man, all time busy with his job until love comes through the window.
Currently he continues under training with Javier Galito-Cava, a recognized trainer in Meisner Technique. He has received master classes by the Director of WaterFront San Francisco Conservatory and acclaimed trainer in Meisner Technique in the United States, Rachel Adler. His training is completed with a sort of courses of Body and Voice given by prestigious national and international trainers. Add to this a recent stage combat course. His love of sports like snowboarding, skating and soccer make him a dynamic actor and ideal for action projects. Humility, Hard Work and Risk, it's how he describe the three key of the craft. From 2009 when he decided to change his consolidated profession in Information Technology and pursue acting, he realized the dedication and the risk that this art needs. Continuous training, courage to make mistakes and humility to success, are some of the things he has learned from this wonderful craft that so fortunately he found in the road of life.
“You don’t have to become more interesting, more sensitive, more talented, more observant – to act better. You do have to become more active.” David Mament.
Móvil de Guardia Comedy ===== MOVIL DE GUARDIA V3.0 By César Bandera ================= [...] Jon habla por el móvil mientras camina. El vagabundo se pone en su camino y tropiezan.JONDisculpe , no le he visto.VAGABUNDO¿Provocando el cambio?JONComo dice?VAGABUNDOElla corre aquí cada díaJON¿Le conozco?VAGABUNDOLos cambios son siempre el principio de algoJON ¿Filósofo?VAGABUNDOEscritorJON¿Novelas?VAGABUNDOLibros de autoayudaJon le mira y todas sus pertenencias. Hay un carro de supermercado yplantas dentro de élJONPues creo que algo no le acabo de funcionarVAGABUNDO¿Informático?JONTécnico de sistemasVAGABUNDO cuida de sus plantas y las riega. Prepara unas tarjetas en cadaplanta. VAGABUNDOEn mi último libro hable del analfabetismo emocional producidopor las tecnologías de la información JONEntiendo...(mirando las pertenencias de VAGABUNDO)VAGABUNDOHoy en día no está de moda hablar mas de las tecnologías===== MOVIL DE GUARDIA V3.0 By César Bandera =================JONDebería escribir cosas sobre como superar la timidez, o comotener éxito en la vida, como el best seller “Soy felíz, a pesarde mi”, !Que libro! que libro, aun no lo he acabado... ¿lo haleído?VAGABUNDOEse también es míoJON¿Me toma el pelo?JONMierda... ahora ya se como acaba... MOVIL DE GUARDIA. Jon mira a Vagabundo ycontesta la llamada.JON¿Sí? Lo siento tengo que marcharme, Jon se aleja de vagabundo,VAGABUNDONo existen las casualidades, solo losmilagros. [...]
Dios Nunca Muere
by El dedo en el Ojo - Santiago Moher
Cambio de Vida
Film (short)
by Rafa Díez
Actor - Main character
Tres cargas y dos entrañas
Film (short)
by Germán García
Actor - Main character
Hansel y los jardines del Eden
Film (short)
by El dedo en el Ojo
Godarin, Best Film - Barcelona SPAIN
Master Classes Meisner Technique Program - Rachel Adler from Waterfront Playhouse & Conservatory San Francisco - US.
Meisner Technique Program - Javier Galitò-Cava
Stage Fight - Valentina Calandriello diploma The British Academy of Dramatic Combat
Nancy Tuñon - Escuela de Actores
Body & Voice with M. Graham Smith from Waterfront Playhouse & Conservatory San Francisco - US.
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - Barcelona SPAIN