This is one of my project worked with PETA.Hope you guys enjoy it,and please stop buying FUR to stop animal fur killing activity.
Check out Kay's new music video,Memories!
It's been an honor to work with Ocean Project,and I'm glad that BEAM Connections is one of the partners that giving out all kinds of supports in knowing about trashes are polluting are ocean every seconds.This is one of my production in my brand new album-Genesis...
不爱不恋;不如不见 这部男同版MV拍摄于2014年,配合着马来西亚艺人演员DERRICK郭帟杋,高镓勇联合演出当然也在内地网络上获得不少好评,也在网络音乐啊婆罗被提名,很意外同志题材是绝对可以得到关注的。遇见错的人最好的方式,就是勇敢转身道别,你才会遇见对的人,以及对的幸福-KAY 更多详情请游览: Check out my Facebook Page & Youtube Channel Kay Sik
A song that i get to produce for a tree planting company GAIN GREEN SDN.BHD MALAYSIA.With this song i hope to raise awareness and stop tree cutting and serio...