Yad Deen's Lounge Discussions

How long is too long for a short?

I have conflicting information about shorts. I want to do a short this fall but I’ve heard that if it’s too long film festivals won’t accept it even if it’s good because they could put two or three other films in its place. I want to do a 30 minute short, but I’m afraid that might be too long. And p...

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Donnalyn Vojta

My short film is 40 pages. I have been able to submit it to at least 10 reputable film festivals as their page limits were all 40 pages or under, so you'd be in good shape with 30!! Good luck~

Desiree Middleton

Thank you for the feedback.

Sandile Sibiya

You are safe around the 0-15 minutes. Once you go above 20 minutes festival's get reluctant due to trying to fit as many films on the schedule as possible so everyone gets more or less screen time. Hope I've helped.

Rakesh Malik

Very few festivals will screen a short that's more than ten minutes long. Most that are worth getting into probably wouldn't even have time to screen it... they get a LOT of submissions, and it's a lo...

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Mark Schaefer

i agree, most shorts are 5-10 min. But everything is relative. I believe most film festivals categorize films as under 60 min, shorts. And films over 60 min. are Features. But see the specific Film Fe...

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