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By Nelson Christian Amador

GENRE: Action, Animation

Spy Fox is on the misson of his life in this 2nd as he has to chase Russian Blue around the world and get the slimburger cheese back and also stop Bigpig and the defeat King Konglomerate and save the world.


After defeating William the Kid, Spy Fox has another mission right away and he finds out Russian Blue has stole a lot of cheese all over the world and Spy Fox now has to ride on a motorcycle and chase her around the world and stop her and defeat Russian Blue, but little does he know there is an evil organization known as Smelly led by King Konglomerate who uses Russian Blue and Bigpig as his decoys for an evil plan that he wants to get all the cheese and create drugged cheese and kill everyone with poison and drugged cheese. And with the help of Professor Quack and Monkeypenny and also a beautiful female bichon frise name Agent Lucile Frise who also helps Spy Fox on his mission and Spy Fox has to save the world in this very intense and very dark and very bloody and very action packed sequel.


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Nelson Christian Amador

I also just started working on the script right now and now working on the title sequence. Title sequence is going "I don't do drugs by Dojo cat.

Marcos Fizzotti

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Maurice Vaughan

I like the title, poster, and concept, Nelson Christian Amador. Your logline is really long though. It's 76 words. I suggest cutting the word count in half or more.

Pat Savage

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Nelson Christian Amador

yeah I think when I post the script, logline will be cut down especially because there will be more to the plot and it will get shorter. But because there is no script yet, and still working on it, it will remain the same.

Nelson Christian Amador

Also title is not mine, this was the poster of the original game by Humongous Entertainment. And I think when taking on the Spy Fox series, I will be using the original game pictures as the back drop because people in my generation who played the Spy Fox point and click games know those games very well. All though if did get to the big screen, I think there would be a different poster and different as well.

Matthew Parvin

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Maurice Vaughan

Oh ok, Nelson Christian Amador. I thought this was your original project. Do you have the rights to write a "Spy Fox" movie? If not, I suggest getting the rights before you write the script. If you don't get the rights first, you won't be able to pitch the script or make the movie yourself.

Nelson Christian Amador

Well I'm sorry to disappoint you Maurice but the script is still going to be written and posted on here weather you people on here like it or not. And also I do credit the original people on the title page. And also i did pitch my Ace Ventura screenplay and even though they said no and all everything turned out fine, and I haven't gotten in trouble by anybody yet. and also making a movie takes a team yes your right sometimes the screen-writer does need to have the rights but you also have take it to producers that have the rights to it cause sometimes original idea is not always going to sell, that's why we are seeing a lot of remakes and reboots happen, money wise and business wise studios right now don't want to take a risk on a original idea unless it's based on something like a book or video game. And also something already there is going to sell more efficiently then an original idea weather I'm part of that or not.

Nelson Christian Amador

And then the producer I did send it to gave me a really good detailed reason why the scripts I wrote wasn't going to work and I respected that, and it's all about competing and competition and also putting in effort. you can't be afraid of rejection. and I understand I don't do things here correctly but I'm not here to do things correctly, I'm here to write and that's it. original material or not, it's what I do.

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