Bob's fiction, drama and essays have been published in The Florida Review, the New Orleans Review, Salt Hill, Hunger Mountain, the New York Tyrant, Gargoyle and elsewhere, and have been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes. He's a senior lecturer in the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst.
2284 Sci-fi ⋄ Drama A war-weary soldier granted immortality via neuro-kinetic simulation becomes an enemy of the state when his deep gray matter is infiltrated with the mind of the leader of the resistance. "The Handmaid's Tale" meets "Altered Carbon."
INSIDE Action ⋄ Drama A nuclear conflict with North Korea forces an antihero U.S. president to confront the domestic war machine, her battle with substance addiction and a family history of abuse.
ONEWORLD Thriller ⋄ Comedy On a business trip to Amsterdam, a U.S. patent attorney becomes mixed up with a war criminal being hunted by teams of assassins as part of a secret end-times game sponsored by the Vatican.
Official Selection, Austin Comedy Short Film Festival
Nomination, Best Short Comedy Script, Austin Comedy Short Film Festival
Official Selection, Military Script Showcase
Semifinalist, Shore Scripts TV Pilot Contest
Semifinalist, Shore Scripts Short Film Contest