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Episode 1 opens up to the calmness of the overnight hours at residence 48. Staff clean the house from the evening hours and prepare clothing and breakfast for the following morning to enable the students to get ready for school. Taylor, an uptight overnight staff conducts bedroom checks. Another overnight staff serves as 1to1 in a students room. He watches over the student while he’s asleep. Dana, the reserved residential supervisor quietly processes paperwork before the morning routine begins. Later that morning as several day staff populate the residence Sara, a middle aged day worker serves breakfast to several autistic students sitting at the kitchen table. Lazy day staff crowd the kitchen and chat. Meanwhile, Lugo, a young adrenaline junkie studies the live monitors in the kitchen that record the students in their bedrooms. He discovers a restraint taking place in which he rallies the day staff and they run to the bedroom to assist the other staff. Sara is left alone in the kitchen and continues to serve breakfast. One of the students proceeds to attack her but is tackled by a high crisis staff named Fire who saves the day. Fire is recruited to help in the restraint in the bedroom where he is met with chaos. Everyone struggles to restrain Branden, a violent, obese, adolescent Brooklyner who suffers from schizophrenia. Fire successfully replaces a tired overnight staff. Lugo who is severely injured during the restraint abandons them to answer the doorbell since everyone else is occupied. He opens to Daniel, a 30 something shady high crisis staff that every student fears. They both charge back to the restraint where even more chaos ensues. Branden Instantly falls silent after seeing Daniel appear. Now that everything is under control everyone disperses to continue getting all of the other students ready for school. Everything seems under control until Peppo and Quintelle, two high functioning bad ass kids from the streets gravely assault Fire. We cut to an interview featuring Darlene the behavioral center’s chief director and her evil assistant Lynn. Darlene is being interviewed on a live morning TV show by Rosemary an avid voice against the behavioral center and it’s practices. No stone is left unturned and no question is off limits as Rosemary blasts Darlene over the centers most controversial issues. Darlene certainly takes a beating and with this believes she is having the toughest day of anyone known to man. Meanwhile Fire is left unconscious on the ground after being savagely jumped. Daniel, Lugo and several other staff restrain Peppo and Quintelle. The police are later involved to take Peppo away as the staff cannot contain him. The ambulances are involved as they take away Fire who is still unconscious and Quintelle who is nursing a staff induced broken arm from his restraint. Meanwhile Darlene continues her back-and-forth with Rosemary over how the center is run. Allegations are explored and more controversy is confronted. She closes out her interview defending her shadiest practices meanwhile we watch the police cruiser pull off with Peppo. The ambulance pulls off with Quintelle and another with Fire. Lastly, the residential vans pull off piled with students inside. One last van stays behind. On the lawn, Sarah and several other staff administer an electric shock to an autistic student caught biting his hand, upset over the morning madness. After this everyone piles into the van and finally heads off to the school where more adventure awaits.