Adam Prockstem Smith

Adam Prockstem Smith

Actor and Screenwriter

Tel Aviv, Israel

Member Since:
August 2018
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Adam

Adam Prockstem Smith was born as Nikita Kuzmenko in Almaty Kazakhstan. He lives in Israel since the age of nine, been through all of the country and then some. He speaks three languages fluently which are Russian, English, and Hebrew. He now picks up German. He also can say a couple of words in another dozen languages.

Adam devoted his 20s to writing. He has self published over 35 books. 20 of them are poetry other ones are a novel and novelettes. You can find him online if you google for 'Prockstem'.

Adam is a fun, outgoing guy who is looking to make meaningful connections that will flower into productive work. He also enjoys to read and sometimes to go to a bar to exchange anecdotes with the ladies and the gentlemen like himself.

Unique traits: Can imitate British and Aussie accents. Can make Obi-Wan Kenobi, Palpatine and Gandalf impressions.



  • American Acting School

  • Peer college

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