Sherry Blackwell

Sherry Blackwell


Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
December 2018
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Sherry

Writing is my way to make sense of the crazy, chaotic world around me, the world we all live in. I've been a fan of horror and sci-fi films since growing up in the early 1980's. I'm 47 now and I just want to put my spin and life experiences inside horror and sci-fi film genres not just because women and people of color haven't had a large narrative in the writing process. But because I truly love them and that's mostly the films that I watch. I guess you can say that my goal is to be a screenwriter working in the industry, writing for studios and all this is true. I also want to get people to see things from a different perspective through some shadows and add a little light. I graduated from New Jersey City University in 2009 with a degree in Media Arts and that was a great experience but I've learned more about screenwriting through watching films, reading the screenplays of scripts I love. Looking at the work of those I admire and really asking what is it I like about their work and if I don't like something... why? One of the things I love is characters who have to deal with trauma and crisis- I love Rosemary's Baby for this reason, John Carpenter's The Thing and I absolutely have fallen in love with Netflix's BirdBox. I also love films that mix genres- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of my favorite romance films that is also a really great sci-fi also Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula because it's just as much of a romance as it is a bloody good horror film. Audition by Takashi Miike is also horror film I love but it is far from the conventional beginning, middle and end. I could make a list of films I love, and I probably will but these are just an example of the type of screenplays I plan and would love to write.

Unique traits: Strong-willed with a very vivid imagination. The daughter of a strong Black Woman. I'm kind of off in my own world because I love creating new ones. Youtube junkie. Barbie Doll collector. I will be a stan of American Horror Story: Coven forever! Waiting for the great Black horror movie wave.



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