Great to meet you, Michael! :-)
Great to meet you, Michael! :-)
I am a screenwriter seeking representation for several TV/film projects. What does an agent want to see in a packet submission to be considered for representation?
hi Saundra, in considering whether or not you are ready or able to gain representation, please research and seek out which agents and/or managers are accepting new clients. It is advisable once you de...
Expand commenthi Saundra, in considering whether or not you are ready or able to gain representation, please research and seek out which agents and/or managers are accepting new clients. It is advisable once you determine which agents or managers are accepting new clients that you send a query letter first. This query letter should contain your bio, a brief description of your projects, what your goals are with regard to writing for film or television. All agents and/or managers actively seek and pursue clients that are marketable, talented, and can sustain a career in writing, as it benefits everyone involved. Once you contact the agent and/or manager and they agreed to see your material they will have their own particular guidelines for what they want from you. The following criteria is not set in stone but the more your prepared to show them you are a viable money making, long term screenwriter in it for a career and that you are flexible in understanding the rules of the game, the better chance you have. • You need to have great screenwriting samples whether for feature film or TV; feature should include at least two well written polished screenplays, and if you go for both film and TV at least three for Television • Be good in a room, know your strengths and your weaknesses • Know HOW to pitch your projects in a concise and quick manner, and thick skinned enough to know when they say no and ask for another pitch have in your que TIGHTEN your pitch to a two or three sentence description of your story • Have interesting life experience that can corroborate your writing experience • Preferably living in Los Angeles area to take meetings, especially in the TV arena) • Industry connections can always be a plus, get to know the readers and the people who have the ability to recommend your material upward • The ability to get your own work • Professional film experience (non-writing) or Television experience (no-writing) • If at all possible professional screenwriting credits Please do not send your material out to any agent or manager cold, always contact them directly, go to their website and seek out the submission guidelines and whether or not they are accepting material and new clients and what exactly they want from you. With the development of digital technology things have become more streamlined and the agency you contact may want anything you have submitted that way Hope this helps Michael
Thank you Mr Herst's
You're welcome and thank you
Hi, Michael! Take a look:
Artist Leni Smoragdova presents documentary Transaction's short film "Noise" 2013 "Everyday is the same ...." Official trailler, please, follow the link Paris - Russia , 2013 Style: Drama, documentary Film duration 29 min Fi...
Expand postArtist Leni Smoragdova presents documentary Transaction's short film "Noise" 2013 "Everyday is the same ...." Official trailler, please, follow the link Paris - Russia , 2013 Style: Drama, documentary Film duration 29 min Film directer: Leni Smoragdova Actors - You "Everyday is the same ...." "NOISE" fULL FILM is THERE
Does anyone else register with WGA before submitting a script to a screenwriting competition? Or, am I just being paranoid?
I just heard your lovely accent... Do you take song requests?
Hey Stephanie, can you sing Volare???
Stephanie - Always.
God Bless
So, I have two rather insanely good story ideas that I am working on. How do you write? Do you have a set time that you write? do you use a program or a notebook? I read somewhere that some people have to write standing up. Do you have a quirk? What's your process?
Whenever the inspiration, story idea, element or component comes to me I pen/pencil it down. I am currently writing 2-3 hours every other day for a project. I use several coffee shops. Quiet or not, doesn't bother me, and I prefer using a notebook with Final draft.
I mostly write wherever I can. Inspiration most often strikes when I'm at work or when I'm in no position to write...I take a lot of notes. On anything. At any time of day or night. I can play with an...
Expand commentI mostly write wherever I can. Inspiration most often strikes when I'm at work or when I'm in no position to write...I take a lot of notes. On anything. At any time of day or night. I can play with an idea in my head for several days/weeks before getting around to write down a rough outline, and then I go from there. Separating every idea, every scene on different pieces of paper really helps since I'm a visual person, which is why there are dozens post-its and notes glued to a wall right now. That way I can see the whole story, and it's easier to edit see if there's anything wrong with the plot, etc.
I prep for it. Like Kelta said, I use music to keep me on track. The very first thing I do when starting a new screenplay is I put the score together. As I think about the major scenes in the script,...
Expand commentI prep for it. Like Kelta said, I use music to keep me on track. The very first thing I do when starting a new screenplay is I put the score together. As I think about the major scenes in the script, I carefully research the music that tells the story without writing a word. I put this together in an iTunes playlist that I modify as the scenes reveal their true direction. It's a great way to stay on track if you have to take a break from writing to earn a living.
Hey Michael, I'm the CTO and lead developer at Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback about the site. I'd love to hear your comments!
Hi Michael. I'm RB, co-founder and CEO of Stage 32. I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work and attracting attention to their projects. That's why we created Stage 32. Our members run the gamut from film students to award winners. The community is now 65,000+ members strong spanning 175+ countries. This is a network for you, built by you. Like most things in life, the more you participate, the greater the rewards. We ask all new members to help us spread the word through other social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We also ask that you help strengthen th...
Expand postHi Michael. I'm RB, co-founder and CEO of Stage 32. I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work and attracting attention to their projects. That's why we created Stage 32. Our members run the gamut from film students to award winners. The community is now 65,000+ members strong spanning 175+ countries. This is a network for you, built by you. Like most things in life, the more you participate, the greater the rewards. We ask all new members to help us spread the word through other social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We also ask that you help strengthen the community by inviting at least 5 fellow creatives. Check out Invite friends to Stage 32 on the upper right side of your profile. Thanks for being a part of this most talented and inspiring community. PS - Be sure to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at @Stage32online.