Sefika Y KASTAR is a story-teller who produces plays for stage and screen. Sefika's screenplays include “Jojo's Angel”, “The Museum of True Love” “Destina” and “My Book”, stage-plays; “Miss Rainbow” and “My Sister and I”.
Sefika started to write at the age of eight, studied journalism and philosophy.
She is currently studying clinical psychology.
Unique traits: Writing...
Toto and Jojo Budget: $100K - $1M | Drama Jojo dreams of an angel who can come and save him from his cruel pedophile father. When a fragile immigrant girl Toto walks in into his life, he is disappointed. However what Toto does to save him surprises Jojo, shocks and destroys his father.
The Museum of True Love Budget: $0 - $100K | Comedy ⋄ Drama Hilarious Hillary seeks true love in the middle of selfish-sex-crazy crowd until one day she meets the mysterious artist, Billy Dally, who takes her to the magical world of legends at the cost of her life.
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