I am sick and tired of being ignored by jumped up weasels in the music industry. Unless you are on a shitty reality programme or sleeping with the world, it would seem that you have next to no chance of getting heard. I have asked so many times for feedback on my work, be it good or bad and still these arseholes can't be bothered to respond. Now that I have your attention I'll continue.
I have been in and around the music scene for around 25 years. I used to manage a band whose drummer is now one half of The Ting Tings. I've been writing songs, theme tunes, and dance tracks for a lot of those years and thanks to Youtube I have been able to give them life with the videos I've made for them.
I don't want to be rich. I also don't want to be ignored. I just want my music to be heard and used.
I've included links for two pieces I produced. Once you are on either of these videos you can click through to some of my other work.
I am happy to work with other creative people who understand my dilemma.
Prima Donna's need not apply.
The Gee Nee Us Song
A Sound Of Thunder