Sean Michael Lewis

Sean Michael Lewis

Actor, Dramaturge and Screenwriter

Riverside, California

Member Since:
January 2019
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Sean

Sean Michael Lewis is a playwright, screenwriter, and performance artist from Riverside, California. His training includes a Bachelor of Arts in English and Theatre from California Baptist University, as well as many late, late nights of writing over tepid espresso and veggie skillets at locations throughout Southern California. Although he enjoys performance and practitioning opportunities, his true passions lie in writing scripts for stage and screen that imaginatively tackle crises of spiritual and non-spiritual faith; he strives to produce art mimetic to a world that is both painfully shattered and blissfully hopeful. He foremost believes that writers serve as public servants; through their work, they have a critical responsibility to reveal all aspects of the human condition and inspire answers to the questions of conformity, empathy, and belief that challenge their societies.




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