Michele E. Gwynn

Michele E. Gwynn


Schertz, Texas

Member Since:
April 2019
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Michele

Michele E. Gwynn is an Amazon Bestselling Multigenre Author (Amazon Bestsellers Lists for: Once Upon a Midnight, Oct, 2016 Amazon US; The Winter Wishes Collection, March & April 2017 Amazon UK) of Crime/Detective books, Sci-Fi/Horror books, and Paranormal/Supernatural romance books, but what would Gwynn say about herself?

“Well, I’m an unapologetic news junkie, a supporter of equal rights, women’s rights, animals rights, and the protection of our environment. I’m definitely progressive, but not some elite moneyed type. I’ve spent more of my life living paycheck to paycheck, and I understand what it takes to make it. It’s called hard work. And yet, none of us gets anywhere without help, whether it’s advice, a helping hand reaching back, an introduction, or just cheerleading in the background, we all need it. I’m a live and let live kind of gal, born in Germany to a military father, and raised in south Texas by my mother and military-retired step-father. I struggled coming up in this world with a diagnosis of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis that nearly ended me at age ten, surpassed every prognosis from my doctors early on by refusing to expire, and instead, thrived. I’ve worked in medical administration, education, and then journalism before I began writing books. I’ve traveled through Europe, interviewed a slew of celebrities, all because I refused to give up. That’s just who I am. Oh, and on occasion, I curse like a sailor, but hey, I’m always honest. So why pen books? I have one hell of an imagination, an appreciation for twisty plots, and a need to bring awareness about world issues to people. For example, the running theme throughout my Checkpoint, Berlin Detective Series is human trafficking, a horrific ordeal endured by hundreds of thousands of abducted women and children all over the world each day. It’s unfathomable that in this age, it’s still happening, often right under our noses. So I write, about good people who happen to have flaws, and yet they do all they can to help others, because isn’t that who we all are? Flawed people trying to do right? That’s me. That’s what I write, and I do it without apology. It’s sometimes raw and in-your-face, but so is reality, which is usually far worse. It’s my hope that somewhere between the pages I manage to entertain and inspire my readers with intelligent plots woven with real-world facts, layered here and there with a touch of romance, a hint of steam, and sprinkled with a bit of dry wit.

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