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Brian McAndrew
Nude love scene

I've always wondered this. How exactly do you direct a love scene that involves nudity?

Norman Welthagen

Good for you Bruce. It takes someone really special to turn an honest debate about an art in film making and turn it into a perv fest being read by adolescent men that you'd much rather see on a site...

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Dustin Bowcott

"To whomever it concerns: If you can't take a little bawdy commentary in a discussion of this particular subject matter, I'd suggest you're a bit of a prude." ~ Bruce Macmillan I was just kidding Bruc...

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Stephen Foster

if you're in the biz and you can't stand cock, tits, puss or ass, GO HOME!

Arthur Donovan Davis

I would like to contribute, buy that's a difficult question, one that I probably will never have to ask myself. Pfftt... I suppose try to get with your cinematographer beforehand to try and figure out...

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Trudy Lite

♥ When I did a sex scene the director gave us both a large glass of wine! :) Love and Lite from Trudy ;) X ♥ http://www.youtube.com/user/TheTrudyLite

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