Dan Herman

Dan Herman

Owner at Dan Herman Productions
Producer, Author, Actor, Puppeteer and Screenwriter

Sacramento, California

Member Since:
May 2019
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Dan

I've been on this road for many years. I thank God for his blessings and the people who were placed in my life. I am also thankful for the people who gave me the encouragement I needed to write and produce my own projects. One of the best quotes I ever heard was at my son's high school graduation. In her speech, a young woman used the William H. Johnsen quote: "If it is to be, it is up to me". That quote stayed with me, and it is another reason why I completed the projects listed in the next paragraph.

I am an independent producer, author, and entertainer. The following DVD's were produced by me: (1) "Pottsville - Just Passing Through", (2) "Strumly's Shorts", (3) "Tall Tale Willie" and "The Search For Rum Ball Pete", and (4) "Whar Be Pete?". My self-published books include: (1) "A Shot Of Laughter"and (2) "I Hid The Elephant In My Bed/The Animals Got Dressed At The Zoo" (book and musical CD).

My screenplays include scripts for a comedy and a faith-based film.  The comedy is called, ""Shoes De Clown".  My past experience as a professional clown in my spare time was very helpful when I wrote it. Yes, I did animal balloons and birthday parties. If you think the negative comments on the Internet are bad, you should try entertaining a room full of kids. "Flash Drive" is my other project. It is a script for a faith-based feature film.

2022 update:

I began posting a new series ("Dan's Rest Stop") on YouTube in August 2022. The series is also available on Rumble. "Dan's Rest Stop" is a series of videos divided into 3 parts (1) Faith, (2) Funny Memories, and (3) Puppets. The stories told in the faith based and funny memories segments are true. Take a break from everyday life. Welcome to Dan's Rest Stop. The series introduction link is shown below:

Youtube link: https://youtu.be/-ETaJlJAyPQ




  • Shoes De Clown (feature)

    Shoes De Clown (feature) Comedy The friends of a penniless deceased clown must get creative in order to lay their friend to rest.

  • Flash Drive

    Flash Drive Budget: $1M - $5M | Drama A bullied teenager whose father has been killed by an unsavory business associate moves in with a Christian uncle he has never met.


  • Flash Drive - Official Selection - International Christian Film & Music Festival

  • Flash Drive - Semi-Finalist - Faith In Film International Screenwriting Competition

  • Shoes De Clown - Best Feature Length Dark Comedy Screenplay Award Finalist - Houston Comedy FF

  • Shoes De Clown - Best Feature Length Dark Comedy Screenplay Award Finalist - Portland Comedy FF

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