FRANCO BOCCA GELSI – Born 28/07/1964 – Director, Producer and Executive Producer
2007: Graduate at EURODOC European Producer training (documentary)
2006: Graduate at E.A.V.E. (European Audio Visual Enterpreneur) (fiction)
2001: Master in Romance and Script at HOLDEN SCHOOL by Alessandro Baricco
2000: First Certificate in English at BRITISH COUNCIL Milano
1986: Director and Editor Course at School of Cinema Milano
1984: Graduate at I.T.S.O.S. Milan as; Expert in Visual Communication
Since 2002 : Administrator and producer of Gagarin scarl
2005/2007 : Producer at MIR Cinematografica Srl
2007/2017 : Administrator and producer of Orda d’Oro Film
2007/2018 : Member of EPN (European Producer Network)
2008/2010 : Board Member of Agenzia per il Cinema e l’Audiovisivo di Milano (Agency for
Cinema and audiovisual resources Milan)
2010/2014 : President of A.P.I.L. (Association of Indipendent Producer Lombardy)
2010/2015 : Teacher at Civic School of Cinema Milan
Since 2011 : Administrator and Producer of Gagarin Srl Milan
20111/2015 : Academic at N.A.B.A. (New Academy of Fine Arts ) Milan
2012/2015 : Academic at I.U.L.M. ( Open University of Languages and Communication)Milan
2014/2015 : Academic at C.S.C. (Centro Nazionale Cinematografia) Milan
Since 2018 : President of CNA Cinema and Audio-visaul communication Lombardia
Since 2018 : Member of E.F.A. (European Film Award)
Since 2019 : Member of Board of CNA Milano
Since 2022: Creator, Academic and member of the Scientific Committee of High school of seriality by Ecipa Milano
2023: The absentees "96Min" Feature Film, by Vittorio Rifranti and Franco Bocca Gelsi, directed by Vittorio Rifranti
2022: Rumor "94Min" Feature Film wrtitten and directed by Nicola Telesca
2020: Broken Circle” 85Min, First Opera Feature Film script by Sarah Revoltella and Italo Moscati,
directed by Sarah Revoltella, produced by Gagarin srl, Kublai Film and Intrigo Internazionale;
producer and executive producer
2012: The Last Shepherd 74Min docu-Film by Marco Bonfanti, in co-production with Lab80 and Zagora
Film; selected at Tokyo, Dubai, Torino and Sundance International Film Festival 2012, Distributed
by Istituto Luce, Broadcasted by Rai1 Channel; producer and executive producer
2011: The Party 90Min, feature film. Diretto da Simone Scafidi, produced by Gagarin srl and Ardaco srl;
2009: Blind maze 85Min Feature Film. By Heather Parisi, produced by Ihcnam, executive production by
Orda d’Oro Film and Ardaco srl; delegate producer and executive producer
2008: Fuga dal Call Center (Escape from the call center) feature film by Federico Rizzo produced by
Gagarin scarl and Ardaco srl, distribuited by Orda D'oro Film, Festival and Awards: Prize "Agave
di Cristallo"; Prize "Agave di Cristallo" Best Dialogue, 2009, Lodi Città Film Festival (festival) Prize
"Adda d'Oro" Best First Opera Italia, 2009; Clorofilla Film Festival (festival) Prize Best Actor
(Angelo Pisani) Prize Best Film, 2009; Mantova Film Fest (festival) Prize Best Film "Schermi del
Visibile", 2009; Sguardi di Cinema Italiano (festival) Studet's Prize. Nomination: 2010; 2009; Ciak
d'Oro: Nomination "Mini Bello&Invisibile", Nomination Best First Opera; producer and executive
2007: L'Estate d'Inverno (Summer in winter) 70Min feature film by Davide Sibaldi produced by Ardaco
srl and Orda d’Oro Film, Festival and Awards: The European Independent Film
Festival – Best Actress (Pia Lanciotti), Film Of The Festival. Lake County Film Festival Audience
Award, Best Narrative Feature; associate producer
2003: Fame Chimica (The Munchies) 97Min feature film by Antonio Bocola and Paolo Vari Produced by
Gagarin scarl and UBU Film and Cisa Service (Lugano) with TSI/Tele+, Lucky Red distribution,
Acquisition by Sky Channel. Festival and Awards: Quality prize of Ministero dei Beni Culturali;
Biennale di Venezia 2003 – Section: Nuovi Territori; Prize Dolly d’Oro as Best director by
Associazione Giuseppe De Santis in 2004; Best Film, Best Actor e Audience award at Annecy
Italian Film Festival; Nomination at David of Donatello as Best Emerging Director and Best
original Song; Nomination at Nastri d’argento as Best Emerging Director, Best Soundtrack and
Best Sound ; Copenhagen International Film Festival (2004, European Talentspotting); Göteborg
Film Festival (2004): Section: Little Italy); Festival International du film d’amour de Mons
(2005:Panorama); Mittelcinemafest (2005: Panorama); Shangai Film Fest (2005: Panorama);
producer and executive producer
1999: Pompeo, 40Min, fiction by Antonio Bocola and Paolo Vari, Festival: Filmmaker;
1997: Fame Chimica (The Munchies), 40Min, docu-fiction by Antonio Bocola and Paolo Vari, Festival:
Filmmaker, broadcsted by Channel 5, Italian Broadcaster; producer and executive producer
2022 The new school of Genoa, "76MIn" Doc by Claudio Cabona, directed by Yuri Della Casa e Paolo Fossati, presented at See you sound Torino Festival.
2021: Pro Recco history of waterpolo, "72Min" Doc, by Giuseppe Platania, directed by Giorgio Molteni.
2010: The Ring's way 54Min documentary by Daniele Azzola, produced by Ester production, Ardaco,
Orda d'Oro Fim, broadcasted by ESPN; co-producer
2009: Red Line 52Min documentary by Enzo Coluccio and Franco Bocca Gelsi, produced by
Ardaco srl and Orda d’Oro Film. Presented at Triennale of Milano and Cinema's House of Rome,
co-produced by Coop Italia and Comune of Milano; director, producer and executive producer
2009: The importance of shocking ”Gualtiero Jacopetti” 90Min documentary by Andrea Bettinetti,
produced By Orda d'Oro Film and Invisibile Film, sponsored By Provincia of Milano, distribuited by
Istituto Luce; producer and executive producer
2002: Hands above Life 60Min documentary, produced by Rai cinema/Camera/Channel2 G&P;
2001: love Italy first italian docu-soap, produced by Camera G&P/TSI/Tele+, broadscated by Tele+;
2000: Regulary 60Min, documentary, produced by Zebra Communication/Ministero Italiano per gli affari
sociali; AD and producer
1997: I could only belive in a dancing God 40Min, documentary; produced by Studio Equatore/
Metamorphosi, special mention at Riccione TTVV Festival; producer
1996: Europa-Maghreb, produced by Studio Equatore, broadcasted by Rai 2 Itaian Broadcast;
Musical Videoclip
2001: Commun Twist, 99 Posse, 99 Posse Production. Winner of Festival of Italian indipendent
videoclip; producer
Projects in developing or advance stage
“Rumore”, First Opera Feature film, script and directed by Nicola Telesca, financed by Mibact, Rai
broadcast and Regione Basilicata Film Fund, distribution by Europictures; shooting September 2018
“Itsnogame” First Opera Feature Film, by Alex Penzo and Federico Penzo, italian co-production with EDI
Effetti digitali Milano Italy; in script development
“Sabbia” First Opera feature film, script by Tomaso Mannoni, and Heidrun Schleeft, directed by Tomaso
Mannoni, IT-DE co-production financed by Regione Sardegna development fund and Italian-Germany codevelopment
fund by Mibact; in script development
“Gotich Line” 90Min, First Opera Feature Film script by Stefano Giulidori and Cinzia Masotina, directed
by Stefano Giulidori, produced by Gagarin srl and Gamp Film; producer and executive
producer, in post-production stage
Other project on stage
“The trace of the lost”, Feature Film By Dimitra Arapaglou, in co-production with X-RATED FILMS SA -
P. ZERVOULAKOS SA, Greece, submitted by Greece Film Fund
“Pic Nic on the roof of the world”, Creative Documentary by Donatella Cervi, script by Cinzia Masotina
“The absent”, Feature Film Drama by Vittorio Rifranti, script by Vittorio Rifranti and Franco Bocca Gelsi
“Water Line”, Tv Serie, Mystery by Donatella Cervi and Franco Bocca Gelsi
“A Thai Horror Story”, Feature film Horror by Franco Bocca Gelsi, script by Lorenzo Bacci and Franco
Bocca Gelsi
“The crossroad’s tavern”, Feature Film Comedy By Federico Vari, script by Enzo d’Antonio
Giorgia: Le tasche piene di sassi
La festa
L'ultimo pastore
Blind Maze
L'importanza di essere scomodo: Gualtiero Jacopetti
Fuga dal call center
L'estate d'inverno
Fame chimica
Il cerchio rotto