Mohamed AbdulRahim: Actor, audio post-production and re-recording mixer in Kafr Ash Shaykh, Egypt.

Amanda Toney
50 Animation Tools And Resources For Digital Learners

Pretty cool find for some free resources for animators...check it out!

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50 Free Animation Tools And Resources For Digital Learners
50 Free Animation Tools And Resources For Digital Learners
Some of the free animation tools here give educators basic histories of animation while others have the animation already and set in motion.
Brandy Spohn

great share, sent to my team, thanks!

Christian Nommay

Thank you very much, Amanda!

Bob Harper

Really cool stuff Amanda - thanks!

How do I Crowdfund a Smart-TV, Roku, FireTV, Android, and Streaming VOD platform?

I operate Connected TV channels on several platforms including Roku and Amazon Fire TV. The channels have been available to the public for about 5 years, and there are about 1 Million Subscribers to date.

The channels broadcast directly to Television sets through set-top-boxes and TV-Apps that run on...

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John Ellis

Nancy Fulton that's a generous offer and pretty rare in this biz! Anything going on in the NoCal/ Northern Nevada area? Dean Lach I'd take a look at what Nancy is offering, it seems like a pretty cost...

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Dean Lach

Right on John, and thank you (Nancy -- I messaged you!)

Royce Allen Dudley


Mohamed AbdulRahim

العجوز و الشيطان 01.mp4

'Kent Glade'(TV). 'Swampy'(kids)
Crowd funding basics

What are some basic stepson crowdfunding? I already have: 1) over 4,000 followers on Twitter, 2) Professional webpages, 3) FaceBook, Pinterest and Instagram SMO. 4) a YouTube channel, and 5) a 18 minute animated movie. I also have an IMDB account but not IMDB Pro...

Nancy Fulton

If you have avid fans who want to see the movie you want to show them, you have several options

A) They can give you the money via Kickstarter or IndieGogo and you can arrange a screening to show them...

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Cecil Battiste

Excellent information, Nancy. Extremely informative. You must be a lawyer or work for a lawyer.

Mohamed AbdulRahim

بل - مشتشار قانونى

Mohamed AbdulRahim

Hi I am Mohammed from Egypt .. Editor of audio and video designer graphic I want to join a team or provide service to anyone

Ethan Geiger
Seeking someone to color correct &grade my short six minute video

Hello, I am Ethan and I am seeking someone who would be willing to color correct and color grade my short video. I have tried time and time again to learn how to color correct until I took some tests and my doctor told me I am color blind (very unfortunate). This video is a short video I filmed in A...

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Mohamed AbdulRahim

Hi Ethan - I'm Mohammed from Egypt .. I want details about what you want to correct .. And I want to be a server for you always without anything .. If I succeeded in the implementation of your request - I do not need anything

Mohamed AbdulRahim

محمد القرعانى-مريم مريمتى 2.mp3

Songs in my voice - I made a recording and filters on a computer at home and not a studio

Mohamed AbdulRahim

محمد القرعانى-كعب الغزال 2.mp3

Songs in my voice - I made a recording and filters on a computer at home and not a studio

Mohamed AbdulRahim

محمد القرعانى-حاول تفتكرنى.mp3

Songs in my voice - I made a recording and filters on a computer at home and not a studio

Mohamed AbdulRahim

محمد القرعانى-اوقاى بتحلو.mp3

Songs in my voice - I made a recording and filters on a computer at home and not a studio

Mohamed AbdulRahim

When I was learning montage and chroma.mp4

These are my grandchildren- I explained to them the chroma and montage

Mohamed AbdulRahim

Make video for photos with adding effects and music عمل فيديو لصور و اضافة تأثيرات.mp4

Make video from images and add effects to them

Mohamed AbdulRahim

Technical criticism of the art of declineنقد فنى للفن الهابط.mp4

A comparison between ancient Egyptian singing and modern singing in Egypt

Mohamed AbdulRahim

Explain from me in the education of the rhythm industry شرح مني في تعليم صناعة الإيقاع.mp4

Mohamed AbdulRahim

فنان ابكى الحاضرين اثناء القاءه قصيدة عن الأم

Performed with a high sense of the artist Mohammed AbdulRahim during a poem about the mother, the audience cried at the ceremony, which helped in the words of the poem. As he feels that the poet who wrote it tells about him personally, everything that applies to him .. The musical background was prepared by the artist Mohamed AbdulRahim by the korg pa4x program on the computer and was played while singing the poem

Mohamed AbdulRahim

A scene from my appearance on the Arabs Voice TV.mp4

A short part of my interview on Egyptian TV

Mohamed AbdulRahim

Lover of art

Mohamed AbdulRahim

I am very happy to be with you. And I am afraid I did not accept you because I did not complete my studies after high school ... but I read and learned a lot .. because I love art .. Welcome to the people of art all

Richard "RB" Botto

Hi Mohamed. I'm RB, Founder and CEO of Stage 32. As a screenwriter, producer, actor and filmmaker, I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work, landing representation, launching projects, securing funding and simply making the connections that will make a difference in their careers. That's why I created Stage 32. Since our launch in September of 2011, the community has grown to 1,000,000+ members representing every country on the planet making Stage 32 the social network uniquely populated with the most creative people on Earth.

This is a network for you, built by you. Lik...

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Amanda Toney

Hello Mohamed -

Welcome to the community! I'm Amanda Toney, the Managing Director at Stage 32. Since 2013 I've been proud to oversee Stage 32's Next Level Education, which provides you the most up-to-date tools necessary to become a better creative.

Over the years Stage 32 has worked with over 500 industry executives and professionals to teach online webinars, classes and intensive labs exclusively for you - our Stage 32 community. We bring you instructors who have worked directly on some of your favorite films, TV shows or theater productions to teach you in-the-trenches information that you...

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Mohamed's network

Patricia K. Meyer
Alan M. Cossettini
Mario Di Leonardo
Lizet Benrey
Mark S Reynolds
Amazing Amy
Rutger Oosterhoff
Tasha Lewis
David Obaniyi
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