Dylan Dawson

Dylan Dawson


Grande Prairie, Canada

Member Since:
July 2019
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Dylan

Amateur screenplay writer. Specialising in mostly action, thrillers, fantasy, and sci-fi. My goals with this site are to:
1. Provide feedback to any fellow writer in need or will allow me to read their script or scripts. I will help in any way I can!
2. Learn more about the industry.
3. Build relationships with other writers and industry professionals.
4. Build a reputation as a positive and proactive problem-solver with regards to the needs of others.
5. Get my scripts read as well as receive feedback. And hopefully, with any luck, attain representation with a manager or agent!
I may have only just begun my journey but I've been and daydreamer and CREATOR my whole life. I've always wanted to share my ideas and collaborate with others with the single goal of crafting the best story possible! From playing outside, using a stick as my sword, to pretending I was a superhero/villian, I've lived it all! So please don't hesitate to ask for any advice or input you may need! I'm happy to help!




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