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By Bjarne O.

GENRE: Sci-fi

When our alien forefathers, who have abolished feelings, come back to terminate

their research into a cognitive controllable "emotion-gene" and to exterminate

their "guinea pigs", we humans, alien-girl Molis falls in love with the human-boy

Adam and together they save us all.


Aliens are our ancestors. But they no longer possess feelings. Because they have

abolished them in order to achieve full cognitive control of their behavior.

But they haven't been able to abolish the need to experience feelings. That's

why they've had an "experiment" running here on Earth ever since the beginning

of Man.

Man is in fact an Alien clone created solely to be used as a "guinea pig" in this

experiment. The Aliens' goal is to create the vital gene that will make it possible

for them to experience feelings without losing cognitive control of their


But now the Aliens have come to the realization that creating such a gene will

never be possible. And they have returned in order to wind up their experiment

and destroy us - before we destroy the Earth - and to make room for a new

clone of themselves, a clone without feelings, that they've brought along with


Meanwhile, the alien-girl Molis falls in love with the emotionally inhibited humanboy

Adam who has just been dumped by his girlfriend. Through Molis he learns

to cope with his feelings, and together they prevent the destruction of mankind.

In addition to being a love story between a very star-crossed couple - a "Romeo

& Juliet" meets "E.T." kind of story, "Adam & Alien" is also a Sci-fi fable. A

story about feelings and their importance now when we're being enveloped by

an alluring technological and genetic future to an increasingly greater degree. A

very near future where the "uncontrollable" and "irrational", such as feelings,

risk being considered not only undesirable but potentially lethal to Man - and

perhaps therefore risk being abolished - by Man himself...?



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