Pick Up Special(Webcast) Lead Role Lovestar/entertainment
Partners In Crime Played(J.J) Steel Corset Prod.
EPIPHANY Played(Tony) Level 17 Films, LLC
How Could I Ever Dout U (Music Video) Steel Corset Production
Long Live The name (Inmate) Clanton Films
House of cards Extra/Townsman Netflix
Deadly Affairs/Discovery Detective Sirens Media
America most wanted Forensic Cop Lifetime Network
Us Army Training video Military Aide Will interactive
House of cards Extra/Shipbuilder Netflix
Parks and Recreation Extra/Tourist NBC Network
Adidas Commercial Foot ballplayer Adidas
ID/Discovery Police Officer Sirens Media
America most wanted Lead /Lester Pearson Lifetime Network
The Wire Undercover Cop HBO Production
The Wire Minister HBO Production
Bad girls Club Extra Oxygen Network
DCTV/Somebody Shorts Played (Tony Bonz) Public Acesses Station
Special Skills: Singing, Basketball, Football, Boxing, Bowling & Billiards, Music producer/writer.
winner of the 29 days later short film festival