Daisha Hayes DayDay Aka DaisjaVoo's Lounge Discussions

Daisha Hayes DayDay Aka DaisjaVoo
Just saying hello...


Larry L Tillman

Hello, I'm just returning the courteous greeting back to you! Have a nice day!

Daisha Hayes DayDay Aka DaisjaVoo

Respect, n to you as Well... Welcome!!!

Brian Dragonuk
Brian Dragonuk / Actor, Model, TV Show Host, Radio Personality. Casting Director, Producer, www.DragonukConnects.com Largest Actor/Production Crew Database in the Mid-Atlantic States

Brian Dragonuk is a full time Actor, Model, TV Show Host & Radio Personality working the Mid-Atlantic States (PA, NJ, DE, MD, DC, VA & The surrounding Area). He has been cast in over 675 Different Projects (with 208 Principal Roles) since his start on the Set of "The Replacements" in 1999. He has Se...

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Montgomery Flippen

Hell I am an an acto, singer, dancer and martial artist with representatiio and seeking representation. I am an LA CA resident and I am willing to travel to audition or for casting. I am also a computer tech and office skilled saavy worker.

Montgomery Flippen

Correction Hello all, I am an an actor, singer, dancer and martial artist with representatiio and seeking representation. I am an LA CA resident and I am willing to travel to audition or for casting....

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Comedian D'Lo Hutchins

Hello Brian, nice to meet you. Please check out my new project www.streetballgameover.com. I see you are a busy guy.... that's great!!

JD Beales

Brian you look very familiar to me. I used to work for America's Most Wanted and National Geographic Channel. Our paths must have crossed before.

Daisha Hayes DayDay Aka DaisjaVoo

Hello,,, thanks for connecting,,, I checked out ur website for data base and would like to join it said I need a code is it possible or how can I become apart of it?

Dave Moyle
Hello stage32?

Do my posts actually get seen by anyone? This is the second chance for stage32 added over 100 new contacts and not one single hello. Can somebody explain this website to me? Is it a popularity contest. I am here to network. I am a filmmaker from London and I am looking to discuss my new project with likeminded people. Are you there? SPEAK TO ME

Judith Tobi Eisenberg

Any film festivals in London for short films that you can recommend?

Dave Moyle

Virgin Shorts. London Short Film Festival. Raindance.

Freda O'Byrne

London Science Fiction Festival.

Judith Tobi Eisenberg

thank you so much!! I will look those up. I would love to visit London. I've never been there. I'm an avid fan of BBC and it would be so great to have one of my films in a festival there. thanks again

Julian Nabunya

is my pc looking ugly , or this site is under treatment ? , lots of changes on page format , oh god if its new structure , change or some thing else its gonna give me some hard time . happy new year stage 32 memebers and team .

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