Enter the world of Trey "Triple-Kill" Stevens, a college grad who spends his days and nights trying to become a professional gamer. His parents have a thing or two to say about that. Starring James Ward as Trey Stevens, Timothy Corbett as Mark Stevens and Charlene J. Jones as Sarah Stevens, Trey's parents. Also featuring Dean Jones, Conor Smith, and Kennedy O. Fowle. Written and Directed by Matthew Bussey
Pro1681 Productions presents: A 1-UP Kind of Life, the mockumentary web series starring James Ward as Trey "Triple Kill" Stevens, a professional gamer looking to become the best by winning the Pro Gamers Live Tour with his team, The Konami Code. Starring James Ward, Brandy Blackmon, Timothy Corbett, Charlene J. Jones, Tom Gore, Brandon Oakley, Jocelyn Rose, Lindsay Kilgore, and Robert Steinberg. Written and Directed by Matthew Bussey Penpal by Anamanaguchi www.anamanaguchi.com