Alex Lloyd's Reel

"Enchanted Phoenix City" by Alex Lloyd, Film Director & Producer.

Enchanted Phoenix City. Behind the scenes footage made during the production of a cultural highlight of Phoenix City in mainland China, a film production directed by Alex Lloyd. Alex Lloyd is a Film Director & Producer, based in Hong Kong and CEO of MediaStudio 5, a filmmaking and photography company specialized in media production assignments all over Asia in countries such as China, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam, India, etc. For more info:...

Shenzhen Fashion Week 2015

"€œShenzhen Fashion Week 2015"€, Model & Fashion shooting, directed by Alex Lloyd. Alex Lloyd is a Film Director & Producer, based in Hong Kong and CEO of MediaStudio 5, a filmmaking and photography company specialized in media production assignments all over Asia in countries such as China, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam, India, etc. For more info:

Interrogatory Room (Behind The Scenes) - Director: Alex Lloyd

Behind the scenes (BTS) footage made during the production of “Interrogatory Room”, comedy drama film clip, directed by Alex Lloyd. Alex Lloyd is a Film Director & Producer, based in Hong Kong and CEO of MediaStudio 5, a filmmaking and photography company specialized in media production assignments all over Asia in countries such as China, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam, India, etc.

Street's Surprise, Director: Alex Lloyd

Behind the scenes (BTS) footage made during the production of “Street's Surprise”, comedy drama film clip, directed by Alex Lloyd. Alex Lloyd is a Film Director & Producer, based in Hong Kong and CEO of MediaStudio 5, a filmmaking and photography company specialized in media production assignments all over Asia in countries such as China, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam, India, etc.

Career's Line, Director: Alex Lloyd

Behind the scenes (BTS) footage made during the production of “Career's Line”, comedy drama film clip, directed by Alex Lloyd Alex Lloyd is a Film Director & Producer, based in Hong Kong and CEO of MediaStudio 5, a filmmaking and photography company specialized in media production assignments all over Asia in countries such as China, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Korea, Vietnam, India, etc.

Fashion TV

Fashion TV by Alex Lloyd. Alex Lloyd is a Film Director & Producer, based in Hong Kong and CEO of MediaStudio 5, a filmmaking and photography company specialized in Media production.

Oxana Shooting

Alex Lloyd is a Film Director & Producer, based in Hong Kong and CEO of MediaStudio 5, a filmmaking and photography company specialized in media production.

Christmas Opera Show

Alex Lloyd is a Film Director & Producer, based in Hong Kong and CEO of MediaStudio 5, a filmmaking and photography company specialized in media production.

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