Daken Wraye

Daken Wraye

BigBoys Projects LTD at BigBoys Projects LTD

Vancouver, Canada

Member Since:
October 2019
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Daken

Got a Sci-Fi script cross-genre, proof of concept very similar to China's very first Sci-Fi blockbuster released in 2019 that did over a Billion and was done for less than 40 million.

Hit me back if you can help with this project




    ONE-DAY Budget: $30M+ | Sci-fi LOGLINE: Teen super-being KiKi must learn to use her Japanese Zodiac powers and fulfill her destiny to defeat a plague of evil aliens who prey on humans by entering their minds in their dreams and convincing them to destroy the planet and themselves. GOAL: A female-driven sci fi adventure ride with a strong environmental message. Our goal is to leave the audience with a desire to become warriors for the protection of the planet and themselves.

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