Tery Wilson: Cinematographer, director and editor in East Point, Georgia.

Tery Wilson

Stage32 it's been a while! Checkout my latest work

My Reel: https://youtu.be/zrf9g_gCy4c 

IMDB: imdb.com/name/nm5674675 

Website: terywilson.com

Lynne M Bell

Your work looks amazing. I would love to work or collaborate with you.

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Henry Channer

Amazing Tery! Sorry it's taken me so long to watch it. Is this from a film you have produced?

Tery Wilson

Thanks for checking it out Henry. It's a compilation of all my work I have produced

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Showkee Hyderah

Hello Tery I watched your reel! keep up the good work, much love from the D.

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Mike Hall

Thanks for sharing Tery!

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Rinat Yulushev

Hello! I liked what I saw.

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add! I'm an award winning female cinematographer/editor based in Atlanta. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Hey guys and gals! Checkout my fundraiser. Help support an innovative filmmaker. www.gofundme.com/terydecannes

Donate to My Invite to Festival de Cannes, organized by Tery Wilson
Donate to My Invite to Festival de Cannes, organized by Tery Wilson
My short film "Delicate Crest" has been selected for the 2016 Festival de Cannes, in Franc... Tery Wilson needs your support for My Invite to Festival de Cannes
Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add. I'm an award winning female cinematographer in Atl. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. I shoot, direct and edit: http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Torrie Ann Allen

Thank you for sharing that is great.

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add. I'm an award winning female cinematographer in Atl. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. I shoot, direct and edit: http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Kirk Carlson

You are welcome and have a great evening.

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add. I'm an award winning female cinematographer in Atl. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. I shoot, direct and edit: http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery Wilson

Thanks for the add. I'm an award winning female cinematographer in Atl. Checkout my reel when you get a chance. I shoot, direct and edit: http://youtu.be/EzHW4MixjsE

Tery's network

Leslie M. Greene
Tristan Irwin
ScreenwriterHank Byrd
Michael Campbell
Lynne M Bell
Timothy Pepper
Mark Llerena
Steve Okrepky
April Brown
Cait Brasel
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