"Mundi's Mighty Mambobique" An original composition and arrangement by Coati Mundi that is seasoned with a pinch of James Brown and a teaspoon of Tito Puente.
Coati Mundi Sprinkles Juju Dust on Caldonia. - On this alternate version of the old Louie Jordan classic Coati turns on the drama. Taken from Coati's promotional music DVD, "The Message: Mambo,Disco,Swing & Hints of Other Things"
BLACK ROCK COALITION & BAM 651 ARTS Presents: A LATIN SOUL CONNECTION (Live Concert) This was an event celebrating the musical miscegenation of African-American and Latino culture. SONG 14(16): "ME NO POP I " FEATURED ARTIST: COATI MUNDI - Composed & Arranged by Coati Mundi based on his solo recording
"...when I came from the VD clinic , I thought our love was finished ..." - Composed & Performed by Coati Mundi "Xtreme" performance video of the classic Splangish rap song. Coati Mundi aka Andy Hernandez formerly of Kid Creole and The Coconuts and also Dr.Buzzard's Original Savannah Band risks his life on a improvised comic romp through Washington Square Park. Unsuspecting park goers are pounced upon and forced to become unpaid extras. This no fear freestyle fun fest frolic flip flop...
This short film is the directorial debut for renown actress Joie Lee (Spike Lee's sister).