Daniel Martinez

Daniel Martinez


North Patchogue, New York

Member Since:
October 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Daniel

I have had small parts in documenteries, as well as TV and radio dealing with the Paranormal and Fire Fighting roles. I have done research for many different cable and TV networks dealing with the paranormal as well as appearences on their shows. ( Biography channel, Learning Channel (TLC) History Channel and A & E as well as local TV networks.
I am currently working on a new reality TV show as a firefighter ( the life of) which is being shot for a 2013 release with a major TV network.
"Real Fear" The truth behind the movies. Chiller Channel ( research and small role)
14 Degrees- A Paranormal Documentary. ( research and a large role)
While you were out. ( role as a firefighter) The Learning Channel



  • Patchogue Medford HS

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