Member Since:
October 2012
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Anthony

I was an actor before I knew what the word meant.
Born in Jerusalem and I have lived in US for 25 years. I was the youngest of ten and somehow knew my parents had already “seen it all’ and that if I were to receive the attention I craved, I would have to come up with something special. Which I did; I mimicked everything--every sound, everyone I saw or heard. After quietly observing the world around me in my first year (practically in silence,) I burst out in my second year as the literal life of the party. I was fortunate to have been born gifted with a great ‘ear’ and the power of observation.

Along with six years studying the craft of acting and experience with various characterizations, this combination of innate ability, study and practice has made me the artist and actor I am today: ready to take on with a devotion and work ethic second to none, anything that comes my way.

For me, acting is not just how I choose to make a living; it is living. I am truly alive in front of that camera.



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