Now Seeking Funding. In the shadowy world of urban Phoenix, a pastor leads a double life, as he orchestrates a secret vigilante crusade against drug infested drop houses. As his morally driven mission crosses paths with a violent Russian mob, the lines between justice, faith, and survival blur...sending him careening towards a suspenseful showdown - that risks everything he cherishes.
By - Christopher Harmon Format - Feature TAGLINE - "You can play [sexy Arabic belly dancer] ... be amazed [Dubai skyline] ... or even get blazed [cannabis smoke in hookah] ... but please ... DON'T DIE IN DUBAI."
By - Christopher Harmon Format - Feature ISA - Coverfly -
A young man finally finds his father, who he was told had died. The dad shares a strong resemblance to the legendary rapper, Tupac Shakur, in more ways than one, Twenty years after the death of this icon, the young man wonders if this man is actually Tupac in hiding ... As do the rapper’s enemies. Genre – Inspired by true events, Thriller, Music elements Comps - Empire, Purple Rain, Straight Outta Compton
As Finalist in the 13Horror short screenplay contest, the production of a sizzle reel was a prize. It was rewritten into a full feature and updated. The new title, AN AMERICAN WERWOLF IN UKRAINE, is surging from today's headlines. Good vs evil with the help of some American swag.
Documentary short from the creators of Always.
Music By KopaTechnic Adapted From Screenplay By Rodney K. Jackson and Christopher Blair Harmon Illustration By Miguel Guerra (7robots) Live Show Coming Soon! Stream the Full Soundtrack on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music,Tidal, Pandora, and other digital music retailers-
A look at the late, great Rick James from the eyes of a brother Buffalonian. Produced when technology isn't what it is today, the story story of this titan still rings true.
The nation's first black Vice President gets framed for the assassination of the sitting President (who is his childhood friend) as part of a coup by extremists. He must prove his innocence, as he struggles to hold off the conspirator's plans and fights for slavery reparations.