Edward Bennett

Edward Bennett

Oh boy, here I go creatin' again! at Independent
Creative Executive, Director, Editor, Film Commissioner, Filmmaker, Narrator, Other, Production Assistant, Screenwriter, Script Consultant, Script Coordinator, Script Supervisor, Subtitler, Translator, Voice Actor and Voice Artist

Johannesburg, South Africa

Member Since:
February 2020
Last online:
5 days ago
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About Edward

Oh Hello There,

Now I know what you're thinking - "Who is this mysterious gentleman? Yes indeed, he is mysterious." As you wonder this you stroke your chin, squint your eyes and look at the ceiling. But wonder no longer friend as I take you down some brief histories and solve the mysteries... of Edward.

I graduated High School in 2012, the year we lost our collective minds over stone carvings and an okay John Cusack film. After narrowly surviving the apocalypse I moved to Cape Town to study film. There I met a host of colorful assholes that I call friends today (I do still call them assholes sometimes). After graduating with my Bachelor's Degree I moved back home and started my first internship at a misguided; poorly managed but emotionally fulfilling media company, circa 2016. With that as my financial safety net, I began my first pursuit into the heart of darkness that is the industry. I was ghostwriter to three books, adapting two into screenplays and researching folklore to help expand on one of the projects for a small film company. When that finished I went to work in the largest distributor of local and international content in South Africa. Then the thing happened at the beginning of 2020 that basically flipped my tits into a spin. Now I work small gigs along with my second pursuit of becoming an established writer. Currently working on a series and two feature length screenplays, both horror. At the same time I've decided to punish my brain and start researching local folklore for a YA novel I'm currently mapping out (also horror, because the kids love it). Until we meet or meet again, I'm Edward Bennett and this is CNN.


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