Gina Azzarello

Gina Azzarello

Actor, Crew, Editor, Lighting Designer, Location Manager, Location Scout, Performance Coach, Production Assistant, Production Coordinator, Screenwriter, Script Supervisor and Stage Manager

West Sacramento, California

Member Since:
October 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Gina


Vince Vicari
Multiple music videos
- Location scouting, set management, art direction, production assistant, script supervisor

Eyelashout Entertainment Sacramento, CA
Production Assistant/Script Breakdown/Set Design
-Helped with production of trailer for full length movie, “Born Again American”.
-Script/scene breakdown, set design, make up, location scouting

Supergiant Productions
-Produced over 300 events including all organization, promotion, business matters, lighting, stage set up and break down.

American Idol
Production Assistant
-Managed contestants, organized families, some running, assisted with loading and unloading set, setting up props, cleaning the set.

CSUS Final Student Project Sacramento, CA
-Produced, wrote and directed final project for CSUS’ Digital Media program.

Various Projects
Sacramento, CA
Lighting Assistant/Production Assistant
- Worked on a 24 hour contest film and various short films doing set design, set up and tear down of sets, lighting, production assistant and some acting.

2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Stairway To Stardom
Band Coach
-Taught kids ages 10-18 about how to be in a band, how to perform in front of people, how to write songs, howto get along with each other and how to produce a successful show.

Cherry Hill Photo
Sacramento, CA
Camera Operator
-Handled all photography responsibilities for photos with santa clause and the easter bunny. Set up lighting, managed photo quality and printing.


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