James Dalessandro

James Dalessandro

Director, Producer and Screenwriter

San Francisco, California

Member Since:
October 2012
Last online:
2 days ago
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About James

James Dalessandro founded the Santa Cruz Poetry Festival with Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Ken Kesey, Allen Ginsberg, William Burroughs and Charles Bukowsi, which was the nation's largest literary event. Lawrence Ferlinghetti credited him with "giving an new birth to American Poetry." He is the author of four books: Canary in a Coal Mine (poetry); Bohemian Heart (noir fiction); author and screenwriter of 1906: A NOVEL (an epic re-creation of the great San Francisco Earthquake, with Brad Bird set to direct); and author/screenwriter of the Citizen Jane (True Crime). He has been a member of the Writer's Guild of America, west, and has sold or been hired on more than 30 feature film and television projects, including Writer and Executive Producer of the limited series PETROSINO - based on his PLAYBOY article - for the FX Channel. He is the Writer and Executive Producer of Stan Lee's "THE CHOSEN" - his only non-superhero story. He is the award-winning writer of the House of Blues Radio Hour with Dan Aykroyd, writer/director/producer of the KQED/PBS documentary film THE DAMNEDEST, FINEST RUINS, narrated by Peter Coyote. He has been a screenwriting lecturer at numerous screenwriting conferences and a major university for more than 25 years. He lives in San Francisco with his wife Katie and best pal, Giacomo Poochini.





    WAY COOL WORLD (2022 - 2024)
    Series Writer/Director/Creator/Exec Producer An animated adaption of the brilliant, satirical songs and whacky characters of Antsy McClain, leader of the Trailer Park Troubadours.


    STAN LEE'S "THE CHOSEN" (2016 - 2017)
    Television by POW! Entertainment WRITER, EXECUTIVE PRODUCER A brilliant homicide detective and full blood Cree Indian inherits the mystical and paranormal abilities of his Native American ancestors.


    PETROSINO (2015 - 2017)
    WRITER, EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Based on James Dalessandro's Playboy article "Petrosino vs. The Black Hand." A one-hour drama series based on the true story of Homicide Detective Joseph Petrosino, the first Italian speaking cop in the history of the NYPD and his 26 year battle to stop dozens of small gangs from coalescing into the Mafia. The real life "Godfather" saga from the POV of one man who almost stopped them.

  • Vox Populi

    Vox Populi (2013)
    Film (Short, Drama and Sci-Fi) Actor In Vox, every person is born with a voice in their head, a 'guide,' who helps them make decisions and guides them through life. Everything always runs smoothly. But Adam's has been putting strange ideas into his head, and he begins to suspect that these guides aren't natural at all. Written by Anonymous

  • Citizen Jane

    Citizen Jane (2009)
    TV Movie (Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller and 1 More) Writer, Producer & Book Author Jane Alexander, an attractive, athletic San Francisco woman, is enjoying a comfortable life in Pacific Heights with the man she loves, handsome, charismatic Tom O'Donnell. Jane's idyllic life is shattered when her beloved Aunt Gertrude McCabe is brutally murdered in San Jose. Jane's heartbreak turns to horror when a brilliant police detective, Jack Morris, finally convinces her that the killer is none other than her beloved boyfriend, Tom O'Donnell. Jane embarks on an epic journey to track down and convict the wily and resourceful O'Donnell, astonishing both police and prosecutors for her shrewdness and tenacity. Written by James Dalessandro

  • The Damnedest, Finest Ruins

    The Damnedest, Finest Ruins (2006)
    Video (Documentary) Writer Corrupt politicians and incompetent military personnel contribute to the total destruction of the "Paris of the Pacific" as San Francisco burns for three days following the great 1906 Earthquake. Music by Enrico Caruso, Scott Joplin, composer Steve Haun Written by Anonymous

  • Hell Hunters

    Hell Hunters (1988)
    Film (Action and Horror) Writer A Nazi scientist, wanted as a war criminal, develops a spider serum that turns people into fascist Nazi zombies. A pair of investigators who have devoted their lives to hunting down Nazi war criminals set out to stop him. Written by frankfob2@yahoo.com

  • 1906

    Film (Adventure, Crime, Drama, Romance and 1 More) Screenwriter & Book Author In development at Pixar, based on the author's best selling novel. A young man discovers a series of secrets and lies that left San Francisco highly vulnerable to the fires that engulfed it in the aftermath of the historical 1906 earthquake.


  • Gold Medal, Aurora Film Competition, Documentary "the Damnedest, Finest Ruins."

  • Best Documentary, San Luis Obispo Film Festival

  • Best Documentary, Napa Valley Film Festival


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