Michelle York's Lounge Discussions

BIOGRAPHICAL EPIC..An Inheritance From Yorkshire

It's taken over 20 years since I requested the Author to write out his lifes' story..A Biographical Epic. I had to decide (which was very difficult) how to bring these stories to life. Finally, a decision was made..No one could play 'Yorky' The Author would read the stories on video..a chapter at a...

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Story Telling is an Art Form
Story Telling is an Art Form
This page is dedicated to stories (and Videos) written and read by Yorky
An award winning documentary is waiting to happen!

This morning I posted my 2002nd addition to the blog I do..http://themercurialworld.blogspot.com/ Here is a legend (in Lake Cargelligo Australia)..the world will benefit by knowing of his existence & his story!

A journey of a lifetime! Join me in a project.

What would you do if you owned a huge project. A Biographical Epic..A span of 40 years of a life..UK, India, Denmark, US locations? A sheep shearer, musician, Indian Shaman, Artist. A Renaissance Man! So many stories that my heart starts to palpitate when I contemplate what I have. Plays (Eugene One...

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Amit Mehra
Beginnings are optional. Endings are guaranteed.

Men often die by what, who they love...Booze, drugs, food, money, cars, planes, ships, power or women. They live hating everything else. As some of you know, I am the biggest foodie crawling in the kitchen...any kitchen. I would travel galaxies to find a good cut of meat. A few months back, I starte...

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Michelle York

Amit, Last Xmas I experienced the most pain I have ever had..some sciatic thing that made it almost unbearable to walk..so I had to move very slooowwwlly...I laughed a lot..thinking how this was the '...

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Amit Mehra

Michelle...you are right. I need to rediscover the slow motion. :-)

Eric Raphael Harman

I bet you miss Hostess! :) Trust me, it is not all that complicated or wordy. Just be Thankful you are alive and able to write as you do!

Amit Mehra

Hey John, I don't think I am being cynical or sad at all. Just sharing the thoughts going through my head as I experience the changes coming my way. Best inspiration for writing are slices of your own life. Are they not? :-)

Eric Raphael Harman

That they are!

Loren Brooks Payne
All we need is love

All we need is love & the world would be a much better place

Julian Nabunya

yes your right .

David Navarro

Love don't pay the rent.

Lina Jones

David I heard that! But the message is good! http://on.fb.me/HC0C3Y

David Navarro

My bad... I didn't realize I was at "Bucket o' hugs dot com. ; )

David Navarro

@ Chris, I can pay the crew with love! And when they ask why? I can give them your age old wisdom of... "love has been paying Broadway's and Hollywood's rent for decades!" so it should be able to pay yours. Let's see how that flies?

Who wouldn't be curious?

I couldn't believe that in 20 years in Los Angeles, only 2 people had ever asked what the tattoos on Gurujis' forehead meant. One person gave me the excuse.."Oh, I thought they were personal." My response was, "If they were personal, he would have tattooed them on his ass!" Where is that childlike c...

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The Midlife Gals are Writers TOO!!

Ainglish as a First Language. Say Kalanianiole five times as fast as you can! It does not roll right off the tongue. Neither does Kanekapolei, right? Those are but two Hawaiian road signs. This is what happens when you start a language, deciding to include only 8 consonants. Do you suppose that was...

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Michelle York

Understood every word you said!

One man shows???

I'm interested in finding out about doing a 'one-man-show'..anyone with any info or links..I'd be ever so grateful.


Where are the Heroes for young people today? Characters who manifest integrity. Empowering young people to stand up to bullies & bullying.."If I can do it, you can do it!" If this is not the function of Theatre & the Arts..then what is the function? What we bring to the table will feed another generation.

Michelle York

http://aninheritencefromyorkshire.blogspot.com/ These are some stories from a Biographical Epic..A trilogy. A true Hero..

Michelle York

http://theadventuresofyorky.blogspot.com/ The second part of the 3-part trilogy that I own the rights to. Please read and let's talk. He's a living legend in Lake Cargelligo NSW Australia....

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Sizt Elilo

Wow! What a great post.

Lester Reichert

Wrote an original pilot called Life As Lester which about growing up in a dysfunctional fam and having to deal with being bullied without understanding why. Check it out http://lester-reichert.ning.co...

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Ann H Barlow

The lack of positive roll models was one of the things that motivated me to write the story about Sahara Driver. That and the idea that we all need to take stock about what's important. The story mirr...

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Steve Strangio
Steve Strangio - Producer/Screenwriter/Playwright

Hey All, I'm a Writer/Producer from New York with many projects behind me and just as many in front of me. Check out my website at www.happysaturdays.com and check out my current production at http://stevestrangio.wix.com/strangio-productions#!home/mainPage...

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Michelle York

I just went on Happy Saturdays.com...I'm impressed! I'd love to chat with you sometime soon and 'pick your brain'..painless I assure you! Let me know if you're interested please.

Steve Strangio

Sure, sounds good. What would you like to know?

Miss Blue
Introduce Yourself Weekend

Hi everyone! They call me Miss Blue, and I am an aspiring Theatre journalist from the UK! This is my 1st time networking so I really want to reach out to any other Theatre Journalists as well as to those who are passionate about theatre - my particular love is musicals! Would be great to hear from you all!

Michelle York

The writer of these stories is also an amazing composer/musician and the next step is writing a theme song for a proposed tv series.. or a folk opera (think Oklahoma) only taking place in the Outback of Australia..I have many 'big ideas'..

Scott Goldberg

Hey Michelle, I hear ya, I shoulda' been a writer I guess and I guess I am when it comes to music, but always wanted to do a novel too. I did wind up teaching English in college for a couple of years...

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Michelle York

What a mind Scott!~ I enjoyed your response..thanks..stay in touch.

Scott Goldberg

Thank you Michelle. What a nice thing to say! Things have already picked up much since our last post. Big day here today, can't stay on for long but stay in touch! :-) Scotty

Brenda Salamone

Hello, I'm Brenda, and I'm a beauty and special fx makeup artist located in Los Angeles. I'm new to the site, and I'll be getting my photos up, soon. Had some tech problems with it earlier, but I'm su...

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Join me in my project and we will win awards together.

I possess a 'genius meter'. My background is Theatre & film. I traveled for many years with a great Being. He shore sheep in the Outback of Australia for 18 years. The wisdom he carries comes from hard work & sweat not from book learning. I have been posting his 'words heard' to a blog (almost) dail...

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Michelle York

You know you could (after reading the stories and looking at the photographs on the blog) put together a list of questions and send them through and there you will have a fascinating interview with an incredibly fascinating character....Thoughts on the matter? Let's talk.

Michelle York

Let me know if I sent you the story links Camellia..senior moments..hahah

Viquii Johannesson (Vicki Johnson)

Hi Michelle, sound interesting, how can I help, I'm looking to work on other projects while building my film business.

Michelle York

I posted on my blog this morning a story (one amongst hundreds that I own) http://themercurialworld.blogspot.com/ (The Dairy Farm) I am so close to this project that I can't be objective anymore..have...

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Michelle York

Sweet of you to say that Camelia..I need all the encouragement that I can get..and reciprocation as well..

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