Originally from Indiana, PA, the birthplace of Jimmy Stewart (For millennial's, Google The Towering Inferno-One of my favorites) and like old Jimmy, the first chance I got, I high-tailed it out of there and never looked back! Since then, I've moved over 40 times, lived in 6 different states, and been to college 3 times (I've got the student loans to prove it.) Got a lot of miles on this old chassis, unfortunately I still have the tastes of an 11 year old boy! I love comic books, action films, raunchy comedies, pizza, and McDonald's!
I came to LA to be an actor and proceeded to make every wrong economic and personal choice a budding actor can make which drove me out of town PDQ! But I keep coming back. I love the entertainment industry and know that it is my calling. During my second tour of duty here in LA I decided to look at myself, rather than others, and figure out why I was here and what I loved about this industry. I love to tell stories! That's what drew me to acting. I loved making those stories come alive. But now, I want to tell my own stories, so I write! How liberating and great it feels! Now, instead of hitting the bar scene on Sunset, I hit the keyboard of my computer. I'm in a great writers group and love bouncing my ideas off of them, they only make me better! So that's what me in a nutshell, I want to tell the best damn story possible! (Sorry for all the exclamation points - I excite easily!)