Ashley Willcott

Ashley Willcott


Atlanta, Georgia

Member Since:
April 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Ashley

Nationally recognized Anchor and Legal Analyst currently serving as a Pro Tem Juvenile Court Judge in DeKalb County. Guest Anchor on CourtTV and regular Anchor on Law & Crime. Regularly featured as an Expert Legal Analyst and Commentator for high profile cases on top tier national media outlets including HLN, Nancy Grace, Michaela. Acclaimed Trial Attorney with 20 years of courtroom experience, exceptionally skilled in all aspects of litigation and negotiation. Highly sought after guest lecturer and speaker, locally and nationally, for the American Bar Association, National Institute of Trial Advocacy, National Association of Counsel for Children, Georgia Supreme Court Committee on Justice for Children, Emory University Law School, Barton Child Law and Policy Center, and Georgia State University, among others.



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