The Soft-Boiled Detective Comedy ⋄ Animation In 2420, HBD, a soft-hearted detective, teams up with Tiffany, a sardonic crematory operator who is targeted by the Triad, to take on an organized crime dynasty to solve the murder of his childhood friend.
Georgie Romero Is Done For
by Kat Walker Shea
Creator, Voice of Zabel, Head Writer, and Director Georgie Romero has risen from the grave, driven to solve the mystery of her former human life with the help of an inept witch and a cynical ghost.
The Bonneville Game
by Kat Walker Shea (Comedy and Horror)
Creator, Voice of Ingrid Sullenberger and Bex McQuoid, Head Writer, Director, Producer, Sound Designer A horror comedy audiodrama about three hapless podcasters who play a demon summoning game they found on the Internet.
The Soft-Boiled Detective
by Kat Walker Shea (Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Sci-Fi and 1 More)
Creator, Voice of Tiffany and Extras, Head Writer, Director, Producer In 2420, HBD, a soft-hearted detective, teams up with Tiffany, a sardonic crematory operator who is targeted by the Triad, to take on an organized crime dynasty to solve the murder of his childhood friend.
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TV Series
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
California Institute of the Arts