Jonathan Gill

Jonathan Gill

CEO at Bad Orange Entertainment
Actor, Director, Editor and Producer

Miami Shores, Florida

Member Since:
June 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jonathan

My name is Jonathan Gill and I’m an experienced video editor, writer, director and producer. I have about ten years of experience editing videos between Adobe Premiere and Final Cut Pro. I ran a movie review channel for 5 years called Stub Masters Reviews where I was the channel’s primary editor, I’ve also produced and directed multiple festival selection short films. I currently run a video production company, Bad Orange Entertainment. We focus on helping film makers make quality films on ultra low budgets. Every one of our staff members do what they do because they love it, and any project's needs, whether it be editing, writing, or jump starting production, is handled with that same level of passion. You can find our entire resume at



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