new freshly cut acting demo reel - a snippet of characters I've had the pleasure of playing...
A three minute preview of Bill Sorice playing 'Gabor' in "Matt's Chance" - a darkly comedic tale of love, betrayal, revenge, and the fickle nature of human morality. Starring: Edward Furlong, Bill Sorice, Gary Busey, Lee Majors and Margot Kidder. Produced, directed & written by Nicholas Gyeney. Co-written by Edi Zanidache. The movie has finished a very successful film festival tour (winning multiple awards) and a limited theatrical release. Now available on and soon to be...
1 minute Sizzle Reel. Clips from: BRUTAL MASSACRE: A COMEDY (David Naughton, Gerry Bednob), NY LOTTERY TAKE 5 (Little Bit of Luck), MEET DAVE (Eddie Murphy), VINNY VINO, THE HANUKKAH HEIST, PAIR OF HEARTS & DANTE ONE SHOT