Luyolo Nyaluza

Luyolo Nyaluza

1 Stop Entertainment World at 1 Stop Entertainment World

East London, South Africa

Member Since:
July 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Luyolo

The name is Luyolo Nyaluza from South Africa. 1 Stop Entertainment Records is record label from South Africa with vision to unite artists in music across the world and help them heal. Our debut album is Dungeon Sgubu, latest Single is Moments With you by Big Bad Black Wolf. In a world that is divided we promote unity. Our policies as company us to have mysic with less profanity and promote love not hate.
Based in King Williams Town, Eastern Cape, we started and registered our own record label. A team of 10, 1 employed, mostly unemployed, with love of music.



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