John A. Reinwald's Reel

My Story with DangerMon

"My Story with DangerMon" is a video that was created with 3 pictures and some raw footage. This is not a professional offering, nor is it our true comedy. This is our "video scratch pad", where we just create little fun videos in order to keep us active. I hope you enjoy it....we are preparing for our first shoot on the sitcom next week...stay tuned!!!

Barbara's Trip to Bermuda

First Auditions for our Sitcom went well. Thank you to the hard working members of SMS...We are well on our way!!! During the audition, we asked the actors to create a story on a surprise topic. The story needed to be one minute long, and had to contain a beginning, middle, and an end. They did a great job!!! The following clip is one of those stories in pictures. We understand that it is not comedic, but it is Improv, and we enjoy displaying the efforts of the actors. This is Barbara's trip to Bermuda...with a twist.

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