Ella Embry

Ella Embry

Actor, Playwright and Screenwriter

Atlanta, Georgia

Member Since:
August 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Ella

I am a Mississippi actor and writer based out of the Atlanta, GA area. I enjoy telling stories about complicated morality, impossible choices, and authentic voices stepping up to be heard. In 2018, I graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi with a B.F.A. in Theatre Performance. While there, I wrote my Bachelor's thesis titled, "The Art of the Dress: How Getting into Costume Affects an Actor's Self-Perception," which is a detailed look about how getting into costume and makeup creates a distinct shift of sense of self from actor to character. Most recently, I have finished two locally commissioned short films, have acted in a variety of online and on-screen roles, and am working towards having my first finished play produced in the Atlanta area. Previously, I have worked as an actor, costume technician, wardrobe supervisor, makeup designer, blood technician, playwright, screenwriter, and am always hungry for more chances to tell stories and create art.  



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