Lisa Gerstner

Lisa Gerstner

Author, Director, Music Composer, Producer and Screenwriter

Louisville, Colorado

Member Since:
October 2020
Last online:
1 day ago
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About Lisa

Lisa Gerstner is a director, producer, writer, composer and artist.

She directed and produced the award winning documentary, Earl Biss - The Spirit Who Walks Among His People and is the International award-winning author of Earl Biss’ biography, written in cooperation with Earl Biss. She co-produced the feature docudrama “Openings -The Search for Harry”, produced and scored the documentary “Girls on Purpose”, and directed, produced, and scored many educational videos in the arts field, including a series of short films on renown sculptor, Gib Singleton. Lisa has a Master of Science in Education Media Design and Technology, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts.

She currently has a biopic on master painter, Earl Biss, in development - "Cry of the Thunderbird."



  • Earl Biss - The Spirit Who Walks Among His People

    Earl Biss - The Spirit Who Walks Among His People Documentary Descended from Crow Chiefs, a master painter brings ancient spiritual power to his Art. With pure talent and fortitude, Earl Biss contributes to the rise of Contemporary Native American Art.


  • Earl Biss: The Spirit Who Walks Among His People

    Earl Biss: The Spirit Who Walks Among His People (2019 - 2021)
    Documentary by Wild Horse Films LLC (Documentary) Producer/Director/Writer/Composer "EARL BISS - The Spirit Who Walks Among His People" reveals a Crow artist’s joyous, bold, tumultuous journey to success in the Fine Art world. Earl Biss (1947-1998) was a dynamic master painter - part of a core group who birthed the Contemporary Native American Art Movement. Biss was recognized by an art critic as the greatest colorist of the 20th Century.

  • Girls on Purpose

    Girls on Purpose (2013)
    Film (short) by Angel Street Films/Goldenwind Productions (Documentary) Producer, Composer Successful women share their leadership secrets for our future leaders. Extraordinary women make a difference in the world by inspiring others to do the same.

  • Openings: The Search for Harry

    Openings: The Search for Harry (2012)
    Documentary by Rika and Zoey Productions (Documentary) Co-Producer The documentary feature film Openings - The Search for Harry is based on true events and is the story of one man's climb back from despair and anger, closed off from those important in his life, to reconnecting and to rebuilding an authentic, richer life. Sometimes funny, sometimes touching, this film explores life in a way that is both real and insightful. Interwoven into the film are interviews from some of today's most relevant new age personalities who share compelling insights and introduce rarely discussed concepts related to the major themes of Openings. Openings - The Search for Harry is a rare type of film, one that will open your mind as well as your heart.


  • Santa Fe Film Festival/Best Native Cinema

  • Red Dirt Film Festival/Official Selection

  • Durango Independent Film Festival/Official Selection

  • The Impact Doc Awards: Award of Merit, Documentary Feature

  • The Impact Doc Awards: Award of Merit, Native Peoples

  • Serbest International Film Fest: Semi-Finalist

  • Truth or Consequences Film Fiesta: Official Selection

  • American Indian Film Festival: Official Selection

  • Indiefest Film Awards: Award of Merit, Native American

  • Indiefest Film Awards: Award of Merit, History/Biographical

  • Rome Independent Prisma Awards: Official Selection

  • Shining Mountains Film Festival: Official Selection

  • WRPN Womens International Film Festival: Award of Merit

  • RED Movie Awards: Official Selection

  • Lonely Wolf International Film Festival: Semi-Finalist

  • International Award-Winning Finalist/American Book Fest: Biography Category

  • International Award-Winning Finalist/American Book Fest: Art Category

  • National Award-Winning Finalist/American Book Fest: Biography Category

  • National Award-Winning Finalist/American Book Fest: Art Category


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