Brandon S Reece's Lounge Discussions

Jared Moses
Beta Readers?

I am not sure if this is allowed but I have a draft of a pilot that I wrote and want to know where I need to tighten it up and what's working and what isn't. I actually would love to share this with a few writers and get their feedback. If you have any interest in helping out I'd appreciate it.

Brandon S Reece

Hi Jarod, I'd be happy to read your script. Maybe we can swap. I like to get other writers interpretations of things. DM me with your email.


Dan Davis

Hey Jarod, what genre is it?

Adam Jestin

Jarod before you share your script I suggest you copyright it. Just in case someone tries to get it made after you've sent it to them, you'll have legal standing to sue.

There's that, and you might wa...

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Joe Bell

Jared, I'm in the Springfield area, I'd be glad to look at your pilot. I'm also a member of a writing group down in Chatham. We meet the first Tuesday of every month, on Zoom now of course. Some of them might also be willing to take a look.

Ryan Anzaldi

Yeah, send it on over if you'd like, but I'd also recommend a great site called Coverfly. There's a section on it where you can submit your stuff for feedback from other writers, and also review their works as well. It's totally free, too!

Kurt Empey
Foreign/arthouse/midnight movies

Do we have any other fans of foreign/arthouse/midnight movies? The early films of John Waters sent me down this road, and Taskashi Miike's "Visitor Q" continues to be an inspiration in my writing.

Kurt Empey

Then you and I could definitely be friends.

Kurt Empey

And I have a script that is probably right up your alley

William Martell

Yes. I saw VISITOR Q at a film festival where I was a jury member, and loved it. Full of "you can't do that in a movie!" moments. It was my #2 film, and in the jury room a fairly famous actress almost...

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Kiril Maksimoski

Sure, Lynch (but only early works), von Trier, Gerald Kargl, even Haneke to some point...

Brandon S Reece

John Waters is great - I also love Delicatessen, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, a French dark comedy.

Wayne Hazle
Things men do to relax / kill time

So we have all seen the scene where one person comes to the office/place of another (typically) man and he is putting at his little golf tee. And they talk. Often seen on Law and Order and other shows.

I want give the boss some other sort of business to be doing. Open to your suggestions. Must be som...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Tennis against a wall, play catch, I like Christiane's idea about gardening - I've known more than a few who are obsessed with weeding through pruning a hedge or cutting flowers would be interesting,...

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William Martell

Goes to Character. Who is this guy? That is where you will find your answer.

If you have read any of my books on writing, you know that I am Lord Of The Lists...

So make a list of personality traits t...

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Brandon S Reece

Perhaps he is fixing or cleaning his barbeque.

Christiane Lange

Wayne Hazle From the description I can't work out if he is telling the wife or the ADA to do something wrong. But if you can work with the gardening idea, cool! :)

Eric Sollars

The man is planting flowers over his spouse's grave he just finished filling in.

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