Cherami Fisher: Screenwriter in Los Angeles, California.

MOVIE POSTER (updated 2025)

Cherami Fisher
Produced Screenwriter/TV Staff Writer/Author/Everest Trekker/Fine Arts Award Winner

Warm Holiday Greetings Everyone!  Shopping my Action Thriller feature film spec script globally after completing all my marketing materials. Now I'm ready to tackle a 2-3 mins film Trailer! ANY tips on creating trailer & where to get copyright-free resources (free/minimal sub. plan cost)? Also need...

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Cherami Fisher

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg - Wonderful to see you again! And thanks so much for your kind invite and reaching out - especially considering how busy your schedule is. We met at your intensive worksh...

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Praveen Kumar


Cherami Fisher,

I’m Praveen Kumar, the founder of Trick FX, a VFX studio based in India. With 13 years of experience in the VFX industry, I specialize in VFX roto, VFX prep, matchmove, and VFX...

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Cherami Fisher

Mike Boas & Everyone - Happy New Year - 2025 is a Year of Favor! Here is my updated Movie Poster (sans the wishful visual projection of a release date which I believe will happen after my high-velocit...

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Cherami Fisher
Produced Screenwriter/TV Staff Writer/Everest Trekker/Author/Fine Arts-International Award Winner

HOLIDAY BLESSINGS EVERYONE! Just now posting my intro but I've been a member since 2021. Pandemic & life & getting my masters & final rewrites on my 3 film screenplays/TV series got in the way. Love the diversity & talent that shines here on Stage 32! My calling card is - Character Drama & Comedy. M...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Cherami Fisher. I love writing and watching Underdog stories. Some of my favorite Underdog movies are Rocky, Erin Brockovich, The Blind Side, and Little Giants.

There's a sale going on for the "Lea...

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Cherami Fisher

Thanks Maurice for connecting and sharing! Your underdog faves are some of my faves too. I can rewatch those same movies over & over again and still be moved to the brink of jumping up from my chair t...

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Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Cherami Fisher. I'm the same way when I rewatch an Underdog story.

The webinar I put in my other comment is on-demand.

Here's another on-demand webinar that's on sale. "20 Steps to Pla...

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Cherami Fisher

CORRECTION: My Action Thriller has not been released. I am still shopping it to Hollywood, UK, Indie Producers +

Guest Appearance at Tiffany's - 2020

"Visionary Screenwriter" - 2022 Heart of Hollywood Magazine Feature Article

SAS Annual Awards 2023

Jacqueline McAlpine

Good to be connected. J

Shaun Keenan

Thanks for connecting Cherami

Jim Mayer

Welcome aboard, Cherami!

Cherami Fisher

Greetings Charlie - Will you be doing any classes/labs/webinars on How to Craft TV Bibles? What about Creating Hot Comedy TV Pilot/Series? Both are very much in demand and the screenwriter community needs YOU. Check out the Writers Room Posts and see all the flailing, floundering, frustrated Writers...

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GENRE: Adventure, Drama
  • LOGLINE:  As inspired by True Events - Why would a wayward, small-town Jewish girl barely escape from a lobotomy used as a radical cure for depression/drug rehab in a criminally insane asylum only to voluntarily return later to face her same diabolical captors?

Cherami's network

Rob Jones
John Clive Carter
Praveen Kumar
Larry Biela
Marcos Fizzotti
Mark Deuce
Rafael Brom
Maurice Vaughan
Dave Aquino
Patience Sakutukwa
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