Sally Turner: Producer, screenwriter and attorney (non-entertainment) in Chicago, Illinois.

Sally Turner
Character Descriptions in a Half Hour Pilot

I am hearing conflicting views about how to write character descriptions in a pilot. One webinar host said that only physical descriptions that are critical to the character should be included. Another webinar host suggested that the characters' personality traits should be described with colorful a...

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Pidge Jobst

Both web hosts are correct. Only physical traits necessary should be used, along with the use of colorful adjectives. But what does that mean, actually, and how does it appear in a script? What you ar...

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Doug Nelson

First, a brief visual for the reader/director followed by the character 'in action'.

Ewan Dunbar

Nick is right. If you consider it from the audience's perspective of what they'll see, that should do. You don't need to get into detailed back story but can give cues that there is more to them than...

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Sally Turner
Dan Harmon's Story Circle Question

Do you think Dan Harmon's Story Circle applies to a half hour TV series? Thanks in advance for your insights.

Doug Nelson

Your story, from a 30sec spot, ten min short, half hour segment to multi hour epic has a beginning, middle & end: That's storytelling. Harmon's story circle works just as well as all the others.

Jose Eduardo Penedo

Dan Harmon can work with anything, the man is a genius. But I think the biggest takeaway from any story structure is the whole ordinary world vs special world dichotomy. It doesn't really matter if yo...

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Ewan Dunbar

He also used it when writing Community. Its a distilled version of Joseph Campbell's "Hero's Journey" and is an amazing writing tool. If you want to get into more detail there are some really good vid...

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Sally Turner
Funny TV Show Drawn From Real Life

Hi everyone! My name is Sally Turner.

For the last two years, I have been writing a half-hour single camera comedy drama inspired by events that happened in my life and those of several of my high school friends when we were in our early 50s. It's hilarious and heart warming. I think it will resonat...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Sally Turner! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. Nice to meet you and welcome to the community! If you'd like to learn more about myself and the Stage32 Team, we have an...

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Sally Turner
Screenwriting Contests

When you submit a script to a film festival screenwriting competition, is it a good idea to watermark your script or do anything to protect your IP? Or are your ideas are safe when you make a contest submission? My script is registered with the WGA but not copyrighted. I welcome your thoughts. Thanks!

Doug Nelson

CJ, this copyright issue, 'what's the best/cheapest screenwriting software' and 'how do I get an Agent' seem to be the basic themes of this forum; it's not for teaching anymore.

Tasha Lewis

See Stage 32 contests, blog and lounges for feedback and their film festival’s section.

Neal Howard

My last post on the subject. As Nick aptly put it, getting to be a bit of a descent into madness. The energy far outweighing the import. Though not a lawyer, I participate in a great deal of litigatio...

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Michael Donovan
Screenwriting software.

Hello All,

I'm trying to decide on what screenwriting software to use. I've heard a lot about Final Draft but, I have also seen others. Does anyone have any suggestions for someone new to screenwriting?

Richard F Roszko

This is "in my case", so "your experience may differ". I say that because someone will always say, "That' didn't happen to me!" So, again, in my experience, anything will work when you are just writin...

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Ryan Whitten

I use WriterDuet and like it quite well. The experience is pretty customizable and very user friendly. I think they have a free option as well.

Samira Ghazi

If you have a MAC, try Highland. It's free.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hi Sally. I'm RB, Founder and CEO of Stage 32. As a screenwriter, producer, actor and filmmaker, I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work, landing representation, launching projects, securing funding and simply making the connections that will make a difference in their careers. That's why I created Stage 32. Since our launch in September of 2011, the community has grown to 1,000,000+ members representing every country on the planet making Stage 32 the social network uniquely populated with the most creative people on Earth.

This is a network for you, built by you. Like...

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Amanda Toney

Hello Sally -

Welcome to the community! I'm Amanda Toney, the Managing Director at Stage 32. Since 2013 I've been proud to oversee Stage 32's Next Level Education, which provides you the most up-to-date tools necessary to become a better creative.

Over the years Stage 32 has worked with over 500 industry executives and professionals to teach online webinars, classes and intensive labs exclusively for you - our Stage 32 community. We bring you instructors who have worked directly on some of your favorite films, TV shows or theater productions to teach you in-the-trenches information that you wo...

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Sally's network

Benjamin Elliott
Matthew Parvin
Shannon Wilkins
Scott McConnell
Sammy & Kenny Bates
Tommy Shinaberry
Timothy Shireman
Daniel Hess
Fred Plimley
Lane Shefter Bishop
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