Jerry Jaz

Jerry Jaz

Disruptive Technologist at QuietMedia, LLC
Photographer (Still)

Rio Rancho, New Mexico

Member Since:
February 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jerry

Life-long photographer, award-winning journalist, LEED Accredited Professional, loving husband, nationally certified sustainable building advisor (NSBA), wrench-turner (‘74 Norton Commando, ‘72 Mini Cooper, 2013 Tesla S…).

Started and support: (orchestrated writing groups for 20+ years), (working on Platinum certification attempt for Seattle restaurant), and am putting together a 34.5’ Airstream motorhome conversion project (transplanting a Tesla power motor, CPU, and two battery belly packs into the Airstream). Sunshades will be replaced by flexible solar panels.

Backed up my mom while she photographed politicians, actors, Hells Angels (SF in ‘67), student strikes, and the founding of The Black Panthers (Oakland/SF ‘68).

Unique traits: Not afraid to get in close. Values the shot over comfort. Finds story within the story. Uses the environment. Calls everyone by their first name. Tells the truth when asked.



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