Member Since:
February 2021
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Daniel

Hi this is a hard part, I'm a immigrant from Mexico. I came to USA. 35 years ago, I'm a Dreamer to try to be on good place, Doing a little of everything, My work is mechanic now I sell cars, always want to be a movie producer or Director , I want to do my dreams an produce a movie. I ben working with dogs . as a dog trainer , and a breeder, I publish my first book last year Crushing Bones and the other My Hero el Santo, I did with the intension to do a scream play .



  • My hero El Santo

    My hero El Santo Budget: $1M - $5M | Drama A child who fights a dangerous cancer, is inspired by his father's hero, El Santo, to overcome this disease. The child loses his father in a tragic accident.  A Wrestler  tries to help, the child gives him a life lesson.


  • Film Conection

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