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By Pat Brown

GENRE: Drama, Historical

A seasoned cop has to overcome his own self-loathing to save his lover from the brutality of his commanding officer bent on destroying both of them.


In 1933, LAPD cop, Ben, is assigned to a brutal vice squad set up to destroy homosexuals and unionists.

Ben Carter is a veteran LAPD officer, who has kept the secret of his homosexuality his entire life. He is commanded to join a vice squad set up to raid and terrorize gay men. To his horror he finds his self-loathing brings out an uncontrollable rage that he takes out on the poor men caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. As if his own violence can destroy the sickness inside him, he unleashes it on other gay men.

He is not prepared for Dylan, a brash young man unafraid of who he is, who storms into Ben’s life and changes everything. They meet during a raid where Dylan sees through Ben's facade, challenging the shaken cop to visit him, if he dares.

During a raid, he watches the brutal murder of his lover by his commanding officer, helpless to stop it. In a moment of despair, he thinks suicide is his only solution. Instead, he gets drunk and goes to confront Dylan who tells him he's going to have to pick sides, which further enrages Ben.

To prove Dylan wrong, he picks up a woman and tries to have sex with her. When this fails, he is forced to rethink his life and doesn't like what he discovers.

His carefully crafted life crumbles and in the end, just as Dylan predicted, he has to choose between staying in the closet or protecting his new lover from falling into the commanding officer's hands.

When his worst nightmare comes true Ben throws away his doubts and pursues the commanding officer for a final confrontation. Ben and Dylan barely escape the conflagration that destroys him and leaves the way open for them to flee LA and start a new life across the Atlantic.


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