Zerrick-Rafael Solece

Zerrick-Rafael Solece

Production Assistant, Screenwriter, Assistant Production Office Coordinator (Apoc), Production Coordinator and Line Producer

Atlanta, Georgia

Member Since:
March 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Zerrick-Rafael

Zerrick-Rafael Solece is a self-published author, screen writer, and content creator. His focus is telling stories that focus on the broader human experience by giving voices to those with less visibility in mass media.
His formal education was with the University of the Arts in Philidelphia, PN: Where he graduated with a degree in theatre Production. Since he’s used that degree and experience to carve out a career as a writer and columnist. First creating the RafaelSpeaks com in 2010 and later pivoting to write as a columnist for and TheBlackGayMensBlog As a featured columnist.
Zerrick-Rafael has authored two books: Street Sinuata, released in 2019 and Words in Black & White: A collection of short stories.  both of which are available on Amazon, kindle, Ibooks, and Barnes & Noble. Currently he is corking to cultivate a career in screen writing. In 2020 he found Sweet Boy Productions in the height of the pandemic.



  • Love Language

    Love Language Budget: $100K - $1M | Drama Comedy These four best friends are all trying to navigate the crazy twist and turns that come with life over 30. In this dramedy about love in its many forms, this chosen family are going to need to lean on each other if they're going to make it to their 40's.

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