Member Since:
April 2021
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Scott

Scott Morse is a writer whose publication credits include “Like Lambs to the Slaughter” in Ahoy Comics, Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Terror vol 2 issue 2 and Who’s Who in the Ahoy Comics Universe in Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter of Blood vol 1 issue 2. His screenplay, "Anything Can Happen in the Woods" is an award winning screenplay and is being shopped to major studios. He is from Just outside of Boston, MA where he lives with his wife Liza and children Savannah, Ella and George.



  • Anything Can Happen in the Woods

    Anything Can Happen in the Woods Budget: $100K - $1M | Romance Comedy When his wife cheats on Mitch and leaves him with no money, he moves back to his hometown where he gets a new start on life.

  • Empath

    Empath Budget: $100K - $1M | Action Comedy An MMA fighter finds herself in danger outside the ring when she accidentally absorbs the pain and consciousness of a mob accountant.


  • An Offbeat Assembly of Nameless Tales

    An Offbeat Assembly of Nameless Tales
    Print Author An Offbeat Assembly of Namless Tales is a short story collection for the Tik Tok Generation. Within the 92 pages, you will find 22 short stories that will make you laugh, cry and look away in horror. It is a book that can be read in any order. Front to back. Back to front and every which way in between. The throughline in this collection is humanity. Some of the characters you meet will be the best of what humankind has to offer, while others will make you uncomfortable in your own skin. Nameless Tales challenges readers to push past their comfort zone and put themselves in someone else's shoes. It will often be a pair of shoes you never intended to wear. Take the journey through these nameless tales and judge for yourself.


  • Swedish International Film Festival - Best Screenplay

  • Krimson Horyzon International Film Festival - Best Screenplay

  • Dreamz Cather International Film Festival - Best Screenplay

  • Hollywood Arts & Movie Awards - Best Screenplay

  • Houston Comedy Film Festival - Winner - Best Romantic Comedy Screenplay

  • Houston Comedy Film Festival - Runner Up - Best Screenplay

  • Tabriz Cinema Awards - Winner - Best Screenplay

  • Multi Dimensional Independent Film Festival - Best Screenplay

  • Flicker's Rhode Island International Film Festival - Best Screenplay

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